The Noah Prince Tyki

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(y/n) = Your name

Your POV

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shinning, you were brushing your hair when your mother called from down stairs in your mansion. "y/n) we have visitors". I sighed. "Im not dressed yet" you called down the stairs. When you finally finish dressing in your favourite dress and shoes, you go down stairs.

Tyki's POV

I sat with the Earl in (Your name)'s Living room. I was smoking my usual cigarette, while Road made smartassed comments about my hair, and the brand of cigarettes i was smoking. But when I saw her I wanted to make love to her. I looked around the house for a ashtray or something i could pull out my cigarette out. Then i started to marvel at her beauty. She was like a angel in my eyes. If she had wings i was sure she would fly as far as she possibly could. I watched her walk up to a piano, her hair moving gracefully as she walked, enough to take my breathe away. I had many dreams in the past, and maybe Road caused them, but i doubted that. I swear, if only i could just forget the dating i would have climbed into her bed and kept her warm at night. The people in this town and many others that i visited knew me as a prince or a lord. I watched her as she walked sat at the piano and i sighed. Her beauty was quite something to behold, I felt like she belonged with me and my family. I looked at her mother who made me and the Earl a cup of tea and gave Road a lollipop. I looked at a photograph in a photo frame showing her mother and father and another man. When i went to ask her mum who he was they simply said "It was our son, he was brutally murdered".

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