Joido's Love

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Tyki/Joido's POV

I continued to tease her private areas like her breasts and her clit, my tentacles squeezing her breasts in a sexual manor and turning her on. I hear her moan, it was sweet, sickly so. But man i wasn't about to back down. I squeezed harder as i moved the tentacle inside her. It was such a perfect moan that she let out. I licked her neck to make her moan more and louder, then i entered her and heard her scream with the pain of it all. I watch her look down where my d*ck was inside her, then watch as her eyes seem to close as she blacks out thanks to the pain as i stole her virginity. I start to move in her and then i purred in her ear saying "Sex~?" in almost a curious way. I honestly could almost hardly believe it when i saw a man enter the room. I snarled at him and then hurt him badly. He was my rival and i wasn't about to sit there and watch him take away my women while i was in the middle of making her permanently mine forever more. I watched to see if she would show any signs of waking but she didn't seem to show any sign of it. And oh how i loved how easy she made it seem that she was mine for ever. It seemed to be the best day and night of my life. The next day however she seemed to be afraid of me, i guess it was cause of my tentacles and how i seemed to look before her very eyes. I watched her try to move away from me in the bed, but i held her so close, for now i never wanted to let go over her no matter what. Not even if the Millennium Earl came was i willing to let go of her without a fight. I looked around the room while she seemed to just stare at me as though i was a monster or a fiend of some sort. I held my breathe hoping she wouldn't scream and make her parents come in. Cause i knew i had a bad vocabulary when it came to speaking, but all the same i knew i would turn back into the Tyki that she knew and seemed to trust to the point of no return. I continued to survey the area before then looking her in the eyes. In truth i never meant to hurt her, but somehow i had caused her pain.

Your POV

I squirmed around in pain. I was so sore that i found myself unable to move my legs. My breast hurt like a b*tch and my Virginia hurt like hell. I knew my parents were soon going to ask me if i was up and ready for a guest sooner or later so i tried to stand all the while watching what i thought was Tyki. He seemed to be giving me a rather innocent and yet childish face, his head was to the side when he seemed to say "You ok?" I knew there was no point to be hating him but all the same i was in pain so much so that it might take days before i would be able to walk let alone go anywhere like to the shops to buy anything. I also knew Tyki most likely would be unable to marry me because i was nothing but a peasant, i also figured his family would give him a sign of disapproval but so far that i knew the Millennium Earl seemed to love my like i was his own daughter or child. I was now starting to question as to why that might be and i was also starting to wonder if the creature i saw last night was actually Tyki or if it was someone else completely different who somehow managed to sneak Tyki out and put him beside me and then leave, but i knew that had to be impossible for if they had tried surely my parents would have heard them leave. But the thing was whoever it was, was defiantly still around. I looked at Tyki, soon realizing it was him for he was still looking like the man that had just stole my virginity just last night. I looked around for anything to threaten him with, finding nothing. Instead i looked him in the eyes with a defiant look in my eyes. "Don't touch me please" I asked him with a rough tune to my voice. I watch his eyes change back into the Tyki i knew the most and the next thing i knew he was seen screaming and holding his head as though he had hit it on a wall or something else rather hard. I continued to watch him as he slowly change back to Tyki. I watched him look around, looking like he was dazed or he was having some sort of a vision and or dream. Before realizing he was nude and so was i in my room. I soon heard a all to familiar knock at my door. It was my mother. "(y/n) , we have visitors" was all i heard her say before i responded to her with "I'll be there soon mother".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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