Chapter 14

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The Next Day Christy's POV
I woke up and remembered what today was: my birthday. Not to my surprise, Link had already left the room. Probably to get me coffee.

He came back into the room few minutes or so after I woke up, with a card, my favorite flowers (White Peonies, and pink clematis flowers) and a cup of Starbucks coffee. A  caramel dark chocolate mocha, with light whip cream.                                                                                                                                           

I sipped my coffee and smiled, "Thank you." I said, kissing him real quick

He replied, "you're welcome."

he then pulled out another card, and it wasn't a birthday card, instead it was an invitation to a dance of some sort.

it was an invitation that read:

We would like to say that you are invited to a formal dance in which bring your spouse/ significant other for a night of dancing if you have been a victim of one or more of the following:


Sexual Assault



Sexual Abuse

We have chosen these people: Christy Neal, Blake Mitchell, Grace Riordian, & Robert Sinclair to be our speakers on how they have made it through life during, and after the time of said issues. They will talk for about ten minutes max, and then will receive a reward.

this event is formal, but don't feel the need to buy anything for this event. This event is free of cost and is for couples we sent this invitation to only. So, bring you spouse/ significant other to the dance to grow close to people like you and let the world know you're a survivor.

Time: 8:00-11:45PM

Adress: 7428 Glendale Avenue, the Burbank Middle School

We hope you can make it!

"so, are we going to go in two weeks?" Link asked me. "I don't see why not" I said.

Just by the location and the theme of the dance, I think it was just like another prom... But I didn't get a prom. I was supposed to go with my boyfriend at the time, Tyson, but two days before the prom, I got the flu and couldn't go, and Tyson broke up with me because "I wasn't good enough, I should've been not sick for the prom." He was always trying to get touchy with me, trying to get me undressed when his parents weren't home.

There was never a time I could tell him what I really felt, because otherwise he would "get me" if I did.

Link held me close, "Happy Birthday Twinkie , I love you" he said kissing my forehead.
Lincoln's POV
Dad woke me up... again. Why couldn't I just sleep? I got that it was just  a few weeks before Christmas (okay, that makes no sense), and today was Mom's birthday, but still, could we sleep past 9:00AM please?

I had made mom a card at my desk last night after they had put me to bed, but it was just like an ordinary greeting card from the store.

I walked down the stairs into the living room, and it was just like every day; we sat in the same spot, had a family meeting, and then dad would make us breakfast.

Same thing, every day at this time of year, right before Christmas. Dad and Rhett had decided to take off the whole month of December just to retie our family back together and make sure everyone was okay. 

Today, the only difference was that mom wasn't in the room with us, and Locke and Shepherd were with us . She was most likely in her room, getting ready or something.

Dad explained to us what the plan was: He was going to take mom to a resturaunt tonight that was similar to the one in which they had their first date at.

Our adopted grandparents (AKA the people down the street) were going to watch us for the night. I liked them, they were nice, and gave us German candies from their travels abroad for Christmas. They were just a little bit overprotective and such, but they were nice.

Lando I think was oblivious to the fact that it was supposed to be a surprise because the second she walked out, he told.
Link's POV
"Mommy, tonight Daddy is gonna take you to the resteraunt that looks like the one y'al l had y'all's first date at!" he said the second Christy walked out of our bedroom. I just about screamed my head off, that was ALL supposed to be a surprise.

"Really?" Christy said with a sincere smile across her face.

I nodded my head, smiling back at her, "I think the three of us will be having a bit of fun without the kids tonight." I replied.

"Three?" Locke asked sounding confused. Lincoln elbowed him in the stomach, "Oh, I see, and OW!" he said. Lincoln laughed, sitting next to him on the couch.

I got up off the couch, and made the kids, Christy and I some canned biscuits. I saw Christy go back into our room to probably pull her hair up or something and I quickly made her biscuits, with her favorite toppings: Apple butter on one, and Nutella on the other.

I took it into the bedroom, and she was sitting on the bed, organizing something on her phone.

"What are you up to?" I asked her.

She replied, "I'm not really sure." Suddenly, her phone lit up, and it was a FaceTime from Jessie, not caring, she answered.

"Hey girl! Happy birthday!" Jessie said smiling into the phone, with Rhett coming into the frame shortly after.

"Thanks! How's y'all's  anniversary going?" She asked, smiling.

"Good, hey man, what's up?" Rhett asked me.

Suddenly, the signal went out. I wasn't all that surprised though, it was like a freakish snow storm up there in NY. I handed Christy her biscuits, and she smiled, "Thanks, but leave, so I can get ready. she said.

I left the room, and just sat on the couch, waiting for one of the five kids to come in here, with a pointless argument, but they actually didn't.
Jessie's POV
The signal went out for our videochat, and then I continues getting ready for the day. I put on dark blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of brown boots. I put my hair into a side French Braid, that was like a side braid, but the French braid went from the left side of my head, to the right, ending in a French Braid over my right shoulder, with a small flower clip at the end of it.

Rhett opened the door to the car for me, and I got in. Today, we were going to the statue of Liberty, and then, it was a surprise from then on, but tomorrow was our actual anniversary, so I had no idea.

But I gaurentee, it'd be great.
A/N: Hey! Long chapter, because its been a while and it might be bit before I update again, so deal with it.

Love you guys! KAYLIE

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