Chapter Seven

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We both stared at him in shock, unable to believe what we had heard.

I shook my head,

“You’re wrong, Uriel, you have to be. Harvey fell through a time hole. My boy could be anywhere, and you tell me now that the boy I’ve befriended for a week or so is my son? Why? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

I was nearly crying from anger at how Uriel had kept such a huge thing from me. Harvey was quiet.

“I’m sorry. You were meant to work things out yourself by Harvey’s eighteenth birthday, but due to circumstances we didn’t see coming, we had to usher it along ourselves.” Uriel replied.

“What? What do you mean?” I asked him, frowning, my anger instantly forgotten.

“Demons have begun surfacing. They call themselves Rangorun. They were in the first Battle. The Battle when Lucifer was thrown from Heaven.”

“Wait, that really happened? I thought he got Sent Down There?”

Uriel nodded. “Indeed he did, but to get him Down There, he had to be thrown from Heaven hard enough to hit the right spot, else he would have landed in darkness and been stuck there.”

I nodded. It all made sense now. Humanity thought Lucifer and God had argued. This, I know knew, wasn’t true.

Uriel suddenly looked up then looked at the two of us.

“I must go.” 

With that, he vanished and Harvey looked at me.

“It’s strange. All this time you’ve been like a father to me. . .and now. . .”

His voice cracked and he threw his arms around me and I held him close to me, relishing the feeling of love I felt emanating from him. I poured as much love back as I could into the hug.

“Finally. . .my son. . .” We hugged like this for some time, then we heard the front door open and broke apart as the rest of the class poured in, followed by Melissa and Marcus, who grinned upon seeing us. Once everyone had finished enthusing how amazing the museum had been, they poured upstairs to their rooms to relax.Melissa and Marcus stayed with us.

“Marcus. . .Melissa. . .Harvey and I just found out the most amazing piece of news1”

“You’re father and son, right?” Melissa asked with a smile.

Harvey looked at her. “How do you know?”

She smiled and explained that all it took was one look at us and anyone could tell. At this, the two of us smiled and looked at each other, and each saw the other in him.  We smiled and hugged each other and once again I felt the connection. I realised that until this moment, I had not noticed the connection between us as I was too wrapped up in looking for Harvey to notice that he was right beside me all along. I couldn’t stop smiling and said so.

“Ah, Tobias getting all mushy.” Marcus teased, a grin on his handsome face. I gave him a friendly punch and grinned at him then hugged him.

“I can’t believe you’re here with me. Just like old times.”

He nodded. “Now I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, I’m with you all the way in everything.”

I nodded and grinned at him, the memories of our lives together in the past flooding back; the day Marcus caught a bird and ran round, yelling happily until he fell and dropped the bird in the fire nearby and it burnt to a crisp; Marcus’ first girlfriend, Sara; my first crush, Gina, and our parents, always smiling no matter how hard things got. I smiled fondly, remembering it all.

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