.Thushara - The First One To Leave Me - (Part 2).

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"True meaning of words come from actions, not from face......
Hmmm....... the sad truth of this newer world"


They followed her to her room and banged on her room door.

"LEAVE ME ALONE. I WILL COME OUT WHEN I WANT TO" She shouted from the other side.She was very strong with her words henceforth they left her as she wished to be, but of course they worried. All night crying she was going through the memories from her scrap book and photo albums.

At the rise of dawn, the family heard a fierce music being played. The symphony was based on rage and the sound gradually grew and broke at once.
Little one came out, went downstairs and brought a loaf of bread and a bottle of water and locked herself again. She had nibbles of her bread, and continued going through the albums.

After a trail of a month, she came out of her room, as a new individual.

She accepted Audrey, her upset dad cancelled the ticket and stayed long till Thushara was all fine.

As usual, she went to the kitchen, took her daily intake, and was so casual as if nothing ever happened. Everybody looked at her in surprise. Lily just gave a glance at them and moved on to fix her little garden which she had forgotten.

"Dad you may now take care of and concentrate on your business" Lily said after minutes she fixed her garden containing Silver-bells and Petunias.

She went on to hug Audrey. "Mommy u said 'I SAY I DO' that day to me yea?" Audrey nodded. "Will u actually be?"

"Of course my dear. I loved you the minute I saw you, I'll love you for ever my lad." Audrey replied.

"Well, I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused but I would like to one thing and I want you to be honest with your reply to it, pa"

"yes my little flower, please move on with your query." said Ranvir.

"What happened to ma?"

Damn! How will Ranvir answer this question? He is trying to cut-off the memory of Akshara and now he has to replay the whole play for his daughter.

"well............um..........er..........like me and...........your mom........Akshara......." stammered Ranvir.

"Dad, I'm your daughter, and I guess I have the full right to know what happened to my mom right? So please, don't hide anything, say what happened as it is for the sake of god! " Well, both curiosity and fury played their best roles in her words.

"Lily dear, vexation isn't an appropriate thing to be shown to your elders so raw." warned her grandma.

"I'm sorry grandma, I didn't mean to do so but I'm just desperately in need to know what happened to my ma."

"It's okay mum, she is the daughter and she deserves to know the true hidden words behind the bits and pieces we've let her know about her mom....." Ranvir calmed her down.

"I don't think Ranvir can tell you about it without lamenting in between, shall I brief it to you?" asked Audrey.

Thushara nodded.


"It all started like how your dad met me and fell in love.

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