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"...And remember, if you haven't heard already, our fifth album is coming out very soon! Stay tuned for the single being released sometime, too! See you then!" Small waves and grins from the four boys follow the end of Liam's speech, and the camera cuts out. (AN// I KNOW ZAYNS IN THE GIF BUT I COULDN'T FIND MANY GOOD ONES TO FIT THIS SCENE)

Louis exhales, not realizing he had been holding in his breath the entire time. "That sounded like complete bullshit. Why do we keep having to do these stupid announcements? They sound so cheesy, and everyone knows. Even the fans notice." The three other bandmates nod their heads in agreement as they sink down on the leather coach that dominates one side of the room.

"Mr. Tomlinson, we're doing these announcements to distract people from all the drama that you boys are causing." A middle-aged woman holding a clipboard says through gritted teeth, the frown lines on her face growing more prominent by the second.

"Oh, please," Louis scoffs, kicking up his feet on the couch, "these announcements aren't doing shit to distract from all that, and you know it. I think this was a bad move on your part." He looks around him for support, but his bandmates stay silent, not wanting to be dragged into the fight that was looming overhead.

Suddenly, the woman slams the clipboard to the ground. "You know what? I've worked far to hard to deserve such a small amount of respect. I've worked for Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Madonna, and none of them ever treated me this way! I was your last chance, and you blew it! Mark my words, without a publicist, this band is going to fall to pieces!" Finding herself at the end of her rant, the woman takes a deep breath to steady herself.

"But we have a publicist," Harry says, not grasping the concept of her conversation, "we have you."

The woman lets out a cruel laugh before pulling her security access card out and tossing it onto the couch. "Not anymore you don't. Good lucking finding someone to work with you. You have enough drama to make a high school clique of girls go cross-eyed." She storms out of the room, her tall heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"Wait! Um, what's her name?" Louis quickly scans the security card for her information. "C'mon Maria, don't leave!"

The woman's loud screams from the hall pierced through the door as she left the building for good. "It's MARY, not MARIA! Learn how to read, you TWAT!"

"Oh well, she's gone now. Nothing we can do about it. We're certainly NOT going to track her down and teepee her car for revenge, right Lou?" Harry says slowly as Niall stops Louis from getting up to race after Mary.

"Well, shit. What are we going to do now, lads?"

Niall's question remained unanswered. It was true almost no one wanted to work with them. They were 'too young' and 'not serious about their careers', people said. Those people couldn't be more wrong. Sure, they were playful, but they were serious as hell about the band. In fact, Niall boasted that he was their own biggest fan. This album would be the chance to end their dramatic year with a bang, and they all had worked harder then ever recording for it.

Liam sat down on the couch again, massaging his temple. What was drama for them wouldn't really be drama if they were normal. But that was the price of fame. Everyone knew about his secrets, sometimes even before he did. But their worst enemy was a six lettered word: rumors. More than half the stuff he saw clogging up his twitter and instagram feeds were fake. Most of them were so ridiculous they made him laugh. But some of them really got blown out of proportion, and those rumors had scarred the band badly, sometimes beyond repair. It was real work, being their publicist, and sassy Louis didn't help.

"Lads, we have to find a new publicist, and we can't let anyone from management know that we even lost them in the first place." Harry says, looking at each of the boys in turn.

"Why, Harold, that's the first smart thing you've said all day." Louis approved, thoughts of a plan already running through his mind


HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS STORY!! I think all the classic love fanfics are so overrated so i hope that this is different enough for you guys! This also came to me bc this year for directioners is literally the nuclear holocaust. I honestly don't sleep because I'm justing waiting for more shit to go down.

I wrote this rl quick because I have to visit the exchange student my family is hosting tonight

hope you enjoyed (again), and please vote, comment, and share with all your friends!


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