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2 weeks later...

Wow we finally settled in Guadalajara.

I haven't heard from anyone back in the states.

Not Jade.

Not Mariah.

Not Daveon.

Not Arion.

Not Dario.

Not even Jermaine's crazy ass.

It's just now me , Anicee , my mom , her dad which is grandpa , my two aunts Teresa and Mary , and my two cousins Rose , and Selena in a big ass ranch house.


"Mom me and Rose are going to the beach can you watch Anicee ?" I asked my mom.

"Yea sure" She said.

I put on my bathing suite and me and Rose headed to the beach.

"Ari guess what?" Rose said in her cute Spanish accent.

"Què (what)" I said.

"Me and Hector are gettinf married!" She squealed.

"Omg are you serious!" I said.

"Yes and I want you to be the maid of honor" She said and we both squealed.

"Omg yeessssss" I said.

"I haven't told my mom and dad tho , they'll kill me because they know Hector is a cholo" She said.

"Girl you gotta tell them , don't you want la famílía there" I said.

"Sì Sí but I don't want them to like totally freak out yah know" She said.

"Girl I know because when I was pregnant with Anicee at sixteen , my mom damn near had a heart attack , she said that I was becoming her and that my life would be ruined and I'm not going to have a life" I said.

"Dammn" She said.

"So where do you plan on having it at?" I asked.

"I want to have it in Puerto Vallarta because I was born there but I don't think the whole family would go there because of money and I want the wedding to be big" She said.

"Girl you should have it in a big church with angels hanging from the ceiling" I said.

"Everyone does church weddings , I want to be different" She said.

We pulled up at the beach.

We got out the car and got our beach bags out the backseat.

Off to the beaaacchh

"Girl guess what?" Rose said.

"What" I said.

"Imma hook your us up , you need a boo" She said.

"Girl bye ion need a guy I got me" I said.

"Girl please we're going boy shopping tonight" She said.

"Girl you getting married" I said.

"A lil side wouldn't hurt nobody" She smirked.

"Get outta here" I said as we both laughed.

We found a spot to chill at , we set up our towels and put our beach bags on top of them.

"Let's get in the water" She said.

"Okay" I said.

I grabbed her hand and we ran into the water.

It was so warm , I love it!


"Girl you crazy" Rose laughed.

We swam and talked for a while and went home


Rose is the girl in the MM.

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