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"The OTP of awesomeness," according to my 12 year old sister, who recommended this ship.
Now, nobody crucify me, but I haven't actually started Supernatural yet. Well, I mean, I have sort of. I'm on episode 4. Of season 1.
So of course, I'm not super familiar with the show. I know about Destiel though. I mean, who doesn't? You can't see the multifandom vids on YouTube if you aren't willing to get a little spoiled in the shows you haven't seen yet. So I know my stuff.
I'm gonna come right out and say 10/10 for the rating. Not just because of the blood-boiling, hilariously put, heart flutteringly warm and yet so so cold architecture of the ship. But because I've been meaning to watch Supernatural for over 8 years and when my little sister started watching she became the most annoying fan girl I have ever met in my life so far and Destiel is one of the most well know and cherished ships out there and they are fantastic.

I found a masterpost to a whole bunch of Destiel fanfiction on tumblr, so I'll post the link below. This will work whether or not you have tumblr, but keep in mind it is a link to a website with a post containing many links. I would save the post once you've accessed it.


That would be the end of my first ship, thank you to my sister Ari for suggesting them and doing this first so that I could straight up copy you, but do a better job.

Please recommend your favorite (or least favorite) ships and I will rate them and find some cool stuff for them. If you have any ideas for additions or anything you think I should put in, please let me know I would love to hear from you!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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