Chapter Four

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12th October 2013
Today was the day.
He has finally arranged to meet Charlie, and he insisted for me to come along, as I got to know him as well.
I was so happy for them, they were finally going to make something out of their talent. What if they become big? Like really big?! That would be so exciting! Touring the world, their own tour bus to themselves, with a built in hot tub and- okay, I might be getting carried away, but I'm just so excited for them, they're going to become something great, you wait.

We're finally at London, where we decided to meet, and Leo is waiting impatiently with me and his mum for Charlie. He had thoughts that he wouldn't turn up, but just as Leo signed for the 400th time, we saw a tall, blonde haired, skinny boy sprinting hysterically towards us. CHARLIE!

I was kind of jealous, because I think Charlie got a better hug than I usually do.. But i don't care about that, I care about meeting Charlie, and how happy Leo is right now.

"LEO! ERIN! OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BREATHE, THE ONLY TIME I'VE EVER RAN THAT FAST WAS FOR PIZZA" Charlie muttered in between breaths, his hands rest on his knees as he panted like a dog.
"I'm so glad you're here! This is gonna be fun!" I say, just a tad bit too hyper, because Charlie looked at me with wide eyes and stuttered before he spoke.. Oops..
"Well obviously...STARBUCKS GUUURRRL!" He screamed, as people were staring at him with evil eyes, as he smirked, with a smirk almost, almost as cute as Leo.

And so we headed off to Starbucks for a Caramel Frappachino, who was my FAVOURITE!
"GUURLL, THATS LIKE MY TOTAL FAVE TOO OH MY GAWD!" Charlie shouted extremely loud as half the cafè stared at him with wide eyes, and the cashier hesitated to give him his change, as he smirks once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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