Chapter 2

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As I dash  out of my tree I head for the woods. I sure am going to miss my lovely tree. Just sitting there in the twigs and branches that's my favorite place to be. But it's worth not having everybody being disappointed In me. As I run farther and farther I notice a river and then I see and Shiny Eevee no more than a year younger than me. As i get closer and closer to her I relize she's fishing. And now I'm hungry I didn't eat any food before I left. So I yell over to her "hey can I get a fish?" She was so frightened that she jumped into a tree and said,"seriously author why does this keep happening to me?" I don't now how to respond to that so all I say is"who's author?" And she responses by saying "doesn't matter" so I just forget about it. And she passes me a fish. " you now I don't mean any harm!" I yell at her (because she's so high up) so she jumped down the tree and we awkwardly walked together. " so what's your story?" She said. " well my father was trying to force me to be leader of the Leafeon clan. But I refused. I couldn't live with everyone being disappointed in me so I ran away."I said. So we made camp in a small cave we found and fell asleep.

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