Part 2

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Darkness settled over the wasteland once known as Washington D.C. Buildings were a crumbling like apple crisp crumbles, no longer inhabited. The white house loomed in the distance, falling sideways, replicating the leaning tower of Pisa. And dwelling in the White House was where all the evil began. The president sat in his thrown-like chair looking out over the wasteland evilly. Super soldiers of the Highest Order were bumbling about, trying to build make shift bombs, and make make-shift guns. These soldiers were the ones who defended the president in time of need, never leaving his side. The president was named Jimmy Horton. No one knows why he was elected president.


It was August 13th 2009. The sky was weird, the sun looking as if it was blood drenched it was so crimson. But all and all, the sky was a blue dream, white clouds drifting through the sky like tiny specters in a haunted house. It was in Washington D.C, the day the evil began. Jimmy Horton walked onto stage waving, the applause flooding the White House. He was a favorite for everyone, the health care, voting for world peace, and all that.

"Now my people of the United States, we will achieve world peace, I know that seems impossible, but nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it!" shouted his amplified voice over the crowd.

"YEA!!" cheered the crowd.

"We will stop all wars and America will live in peace forever, no one afraid to leave there homes any longer!! Today will be a moment frozen in history, for as the sky dawns to the next day, you will always think of the new leader of this great nation!" he screamed over the crowds. "That's the reason I should be president."

"So, by the power invested in me," started the adviser Tom like a priest at a wedding, "you are now president of this great nation!" People roared and applauded looking happy to be alive. The American flag was raised over the city of Washington D.C. Jimmy Horton left the audience of people with a smile on his face, and his hand waving. Little did anyone know that the smile was evil, signifying the evils that were to come.


Jimmy Horton walked into the oval and slammed the door. Those idiots bought it, they actually did. Oh I will end world peace alright, but I will also dictate, he thought. He would start by slowly changing his advisers and secret service agents into soldiers. Then Manipulate the U.S military and turn them into his own personal slaves whom are bred for fighting. Finally he will create hovercrafts and bomb every city in the world. He will be dictator. It was only a matter of time.


Two months later

It was a sea of chaos. Men and women were being tortured in the White House. It had turned into a torture chamber, maybe even a slaughter house. The people who get captured were taken to the White House, tortured just for fun, so the world knows that Jimmy has turned into a world leader. Washington D.C had been bombed out, the buildings and White House crumbling ruins. Smog was heavy in the air, covering the air like thick, black curtains.

The air smelled like blood. Cars were off the streets, most people quivering in their homes, waiting for the torture to stop. The must know that it would never end.


Jimmy was sitting on his thrown chair, towering over the prisoner. The prisoner was clad in ripped jeans, a torn t-shirt, and air Jordan shoes. The hand cuffs cut into his skin, blood running down his wrist. The fear in his eyes was easily shown. Sweat trickled down his face.

"Wh-wh-wh-what is this a-a-all a-a-bout," the prisoner stuttered.

"I hear you were looting at the video game store am I correct?" asked Jimmy.

"Fine, yes I was, I wanted to get a-"

"I don't care about your reason, Mr. Haskell, take him to the execution chamber."

" No!!! DON'T DO THIS TO ME, NO!!" And this prisoner was slaughtered by a blade to the throat.

"Bring out the new hovercrafts, we will start the bombing process," Jimmy said.

"Yes Mr. President."

"Don't call me that, call me Jimmy, I am not a real president. The U.S.A has now turned into a communist country where everyone will die."

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