Friends, Questions, and Fires

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Author' note: Sorry I've been slow on updating, I've been busy the last two days... I'll try to get into a routine of one chapter a day :)

Duncan's POV: 

I started at the number on the missile in disbelief,. "That's what happened to it," I thought to myself.

"So it didn't hit Hat Films base after all?" Kim asked.

"Apparently." I replied.

"What are you two talking about?" Simon inquired.

"A while back, we had a little, um, disagreement with Hat Films that ended up in a nuclear war", I responded. Louis and Simon looked stunned.

I looked at them in surprise, "What, you know how easily I can start wars."

"Yeah, but....oh, never mind," Louis said.

I turned and smiled at Louis, and then slowly turned back to the monitor. "What my questions is, is how the missile not go to the proper coordinated. All the missiles were programmed to the same target coordinates- how did that one go rogue?"

"Don't ask me, you're the one who knows all the technology," Louis said shaking his head.

"That's very true, you are the best with machines," Kim added, "so what could have happened?"

"Well, if the entire system went haywire, we would have launched a lot of missiles straight up- all the missiles were linked to controllers. Even though the controllers all regulate one or two missiles, if one went haywire, that would have spread to all of them, making them all activate at the same time. So, why did only 662 launch incorrectly?"

"Maybe you accidentally hit the switch?" Simon offered.

"I don't think so," I responded, "The switch was off after the missiles had launched. If someone had accidentally engaged it, it would have stayed on.....Unless the receiver picked up some other message from a different sender telling it to launch. So the question is, who sent that message..."

"Can you explain this in human terms please?" said Louis.

I grinned broadly, " There's a machine that, when it's given a Redstone signal, it transmits a message to another device. That machine is called the sender. And the machine that receives that power is called the receiver. When the receiver gets that message, it activates Redstone."

"Okay, that make more sense," Simon said.

"But if the receiver only receives power from one sender, how did another sender interfere?" Kim asked.

"That's a good point," I responded.

"Well, let's forget about that for now, and have some supper, all this science makes me hungry" Simon said.

"Sure, that sounds good," Kim said.

"What doesn't make you hungry?" I muttered under my breath.

I slowly got up and followed the rest of the gang out the room. But before I exited, i stopped and turned and looked at the giant machine. "But why?" I said to myself.

(Time Skip)

As Kim and I slowly waked home, my head buzzed with questions- why had the missile launched, what had given the receiver the launch message, why were the aliens mad, what had we hit that was so important. As we got closer to home, a new question surfaced, what was that smell. I stopped, and sniffed the air. Kim stopped as well, looking at me in a bewildered manner.

"What's up Duncan?" she inquired.

I didn't answer. I continued to smell...the smell was somehow so familiar, but odd.

"Duncan, what's going on?" Kim asked again.

Then it suddenly hit me. Smoke. "Fire!!" I yelled and quickly charged toward the house. 

Kim sprinted after me, looking confused. As we got closer to home I could see an orange glow ahead of me, a bright orange glow- brilliantly so against the blackness of the forest. The smoke smell became stronger and stronger, until finally we reached the clearing of where our house should have been. And there, in the black wreckage of our compound was a huge fire. Most of the buildings had already burned to the ground, the few left standing were burning hard. Kim gasped as she caught up to me.

"But, who?" she asked, bewildered...

Then it came to me. The aliens......

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