Author's Note

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This is my first ever work in the comfort and cuteness genre. And in the shipping department.. I am not the type of writer that likes to write fluff at all. I would rather spend my days causing Dean a tremendous amount of pain with very little comfort...yikes. So believe me when I say that this is all new to me! I strive for likes and comments so don't be shy, especially if you have any advice to give to this starting-out writer! Tell me what you guys liked and didn't like about it at the end of the story and I'll love you forever! (In the definitely not weird, platonic friends kind of way! ;) 

*This is Wincestiel and does have very vague mentions of sexy-times I think about three times in the story. If you don't like the shipping then I suggest you don't read.* 

P.S. I looove any and all shippings in the fandom but I do know what it's like to be wary and outright disgusted at some shippings, so I hold nothing against those of you that refrain from those types of things! 

All I Would Ever NeedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora