seven minutes in heaven

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This is going so well. We'll have to play this game more often. Orihime stepped back to the center of the room and looked over the remaining female contestants. "Is there anyone that would like to volunteer to go next? I don't want to seem like I'm picking favorites or anything like that."

A loud, crazy sounding laugh echoed through the small room, catching everyone's attention. "I have a better idea. Why don't you just step aside and let someone else take over for a while." Hollow Ichigo entered the room with a wide, psychotic grin on his abnormally pale face. "And since I've deemed myself in charge, I'll just take her with me." He grabbed a hold of your wrist with a painfully firm grasp and jerked you onto your feet. "You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Instead of being scared of him, you found that you were just incredibly annoyed and irritated by his arrogance. "I don't think it would really matter if I did."

"You catch on fast, don't you? But don't you go off and get big headed now." He didn't take you to the closet as you'd expected him to. He pulled you out of the room as he laughed to himself, allowing you to trip and fall along the way.

You tried pulling your wrist free, but were unable to move his fingers even a little bit. With your hand turning white from the lack of blood flow, you let out a loud groan and started angrily yanking your arm away from him. "Would you mind terribly not dragging me around? I'm not a stuffed animal or a rag doll and I'd prefer to walk on my own two feet. And I'd also be very appreciative if you would let go of me already, you're hurting me."

"Oh, am I?" Another quiet laugh escaped his throat. It seemed like the only reason he'd shown up was so he could torment you. "That's just so sad. I guess you're not nearly as tough as I thought you were." He looked down at you, still smiling wickedly and tightened his hold even more. "Give me one good reason why I should let you go."

Other than the obvious, you really couldn't think of a decent reason to give him. Not one he would agree with anyway. Since you really doubted he'd listen, regardless of your reason, you said the first thing that came to your mind. "Oh, I don't know, maybe just because I asked you to?"

"You can't be serious. That's not a good reason at all. That's actually the worst reason you could have given me." Despite what he said, he'd already released your wrist. "Are you even trying, or do you even really want me to let go of you at all?"

Your first instinct was to run away as fast as you could, but the fact that he'd done exactly what you'd asked and he hadn't even noticed it was too funny for you to just ignore. "I just want you to know that you are really slow. You might look like Ichigo, but even he would have noticed what you just did. Actually, I don't know anyone who wouldn't have noticed."

The Hollow's wide, sadistic smile vanished in an instant. "What are you talking about?"

With a completely straight face, you lifted your hand up so that it was only a few inches away from your cheek and wiggled your now free fingers around. "You let go of me already. I guess you were just too busy laughing to notice you'd done it."

"W-what?" Knowing he'd somehow managed to ruin everything for himself, He immediately shut his mouth and snorted. Since there was really nothing he could say to remedy his failure, he simply turned around and started to walk away.

Feeling rather invincible, you started to laugh and even shouted out taunts to him. "Thanks for stopping by. I had a real blast just so you know. Next time come back when you have a better plan, or when you actually want to play the game right."

"I'd shut up if I were you." Angered by your disrespect, He immediately turned around and growled at you. He was more than a little bit ready to make you be quiet if necessary. "Unless, of course, you actually want me to come back."

Finally the fear you should have been feeling all along kicked in. "You know, shutting up seems like a very good idea right now." Without another word, you spun around and ran back to the group as fast as you could. Once there you slumped forward and let out a loud, relieved sigh. "Man, that seven minutes was definitely not at all how I pictured heaven being."

7 minute in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now