P1- Chapter 4 Tacos

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Ilias, Toby, and I stand and wait for stalls, but Toby is too impatient and -without knocking- runs into the family stall with Kendal.
We hear banging on the wall so I rush to help. I thought Kendal might have tried to kill him in there. But when I open the door I see Toby holding Kendal, Kendal sitting on his hip bones, Toby grasping her thighs, and resting against the bathroom wall, making out viciously. They both turn my way and give very shocked faces. kendal jumps off him with a kiss goodbye and runs off with embarrassment.
   "what the hell?" I ask toby while hanging my hands by my side in question.
   "I walked in and she mauled me! I went with it!"
   "Toby, you guys just met." I state.
   "i know, but... i think i'm.. in love with kendal."
   "TOBY! Kendal is a bitch! she'll break your little heart!"
   "shes a bitch to you! not me! your her best friend, its a different relationship. Im not saying this is a relationship, but it might be one day."
   "your dreaming. Come on, we need to hit the road once again." i tell him before leaving the smelly, memory filled, gas station restroom.

   Alec stops me on the walk back to the car to ask what happened in there. I tell him. He's surprised.
The car ride was silent, until, "I love you, Kendal." Toby bursts out. He begins to blush.
"Stop." Kendal tells him very calmly.
Alec turns around from the passenger seat to look at Toby who is in the far back of the car. "You love her?".
"Yeah, I really loved her," Toby answers with a large smile on his face.
Kendal is sitting in the middle seat, she turns around to look at Toby also, "I said stop." Then she lightly slaps him with no hesitation.
  I look in the mirror at Toby. "What did I tell you?!" He's holding his cheek and gazing out the window with a sad look on his face. He hears me, but doesn't reply. After that it was a pretty quiet car ride.
Alec falls asleep next me me. Kendall's almost gone. Erica has her headphones in and her boyfriend is trying to talk to her, but she's clearly ignoring him. I feel bad for him, he really loves her and she acts like he's just another person in her life. Maybe it won't be like this forever. Who am I kidding? I doubt they'll be together forever.
Toby has just woken up from a short nap and he looks bored. I offer him the wheel. I hop in the back seat after he's says yes. I take a snooze as well. It's almost 4am, it's been a long night.

   I'm awoken by yelling.
It's Toby. " Guys! Get up! Get up!" He shouts at us. "Help me out here!!", he's holding a gun and shooting zombies one by one, but he could never do it alone. I never thought I'd say this: zombies can be fast.
   I shot up out of my half-sleep mode to get guns from the trunk for everyone. Alec is front and center, already shooting while I hand out more guns. Kendal persists on two for each hand. Once everyone has their armor, I help. Shooting zombies is hard work. It's also kinda sad if you think about it. These were once human beings with a life, a family, a place in this world, now their just flesh-craving monsters. Now their just bitches.
   I hear a moaning. Not a zombie moaning though. Once we look around and make sure we don't have company I check out the sound. As I get closer I see a body. A human, not zombie form. He has one hand on his chest and the other on a gun, but he's obviously too week to shoot. He's not dead yet, but close. I get down on one knee and look at his wound. I'm not a doctor, but that's what I was going to college for. I have some education.
   Alec walks over to investigate as well.
   "Who's he?" Alec asks.
   "I don't know. He's been shot though. Probably by us," he's still moaning loudly, no words. "Should we leave him? I feel so guilty."
Alec looks at his bloody face then looks back at me, "leave him." I feel a tear run down my cheek. I quickly wipe it off to show no signs of weakness and walk with Alec back to the car.

   "I want pancakes... Or bacon." Kendal says randomly from the drivers seat.
By now it's about 5:30am. The sun is up and we are all hungry. It's been a long, rough night for us.
"Yeah, pancakes are good, but I want tacos." Toby says from the passengers seat.
Kendal's eyes get huge, but she doesn't remove them from the road. "Toby.. YOU READ MY MIND!" We laugh then stop at an empty Taco Bell. It's a wreck. We hop over the counter and look for pre-made tacos. Once we see what they make them with, we leave to find a better taco place.

We sit in the car. Not driving. Eating tacos for the next 10 minutes.

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