Chapter 3: The Letter

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As I walk in the front door of my house, my mom runs up to me. "Lukas, you are not going to believe this." She hands me a letter addressed to Lukianne Taylor. I took the letter out of the envelope, it read:

Miss Lukianne Taylor,

Thank you for applying for The Dance Emporium. Your application was one of the few we genuinely enjoyed. We would like to offer you a spot on the all exclusive dance pros team. In this class you will be be taught an all around training in the art of dance. Also in closed with this letter is a enrollment packet that will be required to be returned to The Dance Emporium ASAP. Thank You!!!!

                                               The Dance Emporium

Oh. My. Gosh. I am going to New York! I can't believe this!!!


"Sweetie! That's wonderful!"

"I have to call J.R. and Amber and EVERYONE!!!!" I ran up into my room and grabbed my IPhone. I called J.R. first.




"J.R. it's me. Guess what!!!!"



"No way!!!"


"Lukas, when do you leave?"

"Next week."

"Lukas, next week is the homecoming dance. You aren't going to come, are you?"

"J.R. I leave on Thursday."

"Lukas, I got to go."

She hung up before I could say Bye.

The next day woke up early to take a run. I have to stay fit to dance. As I walked out the door, the twins, Audree and Alexandar, stop me in my tracks.

"Lukas, are you going away?" Alexandar asks

"No, sweetie, not for another week. Now shouldn't you two be in bed? You don't want to be tired for kindergarten!"

And off I went,.

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