The Present

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'Click'....'Click Click'...'Click Click Click'..'Click'..'BANG'

'Why can't I find you, Mata!!" I yell out in frustration in the emptiness of my room, hitting my desk in distressed anger.

It always ends up like this as the end of the day nears; to be expected though if you search for someone day in and day out for a whole year. Much to my frustration; I always find little to nothing and in the end, i'm more frustrated than upset. I should be able to find SOMETHING, it is the internet after all.

It baffles me to think that after a year of searching, not just on the internet, all I have found are clues that his disappearance could be linked to our parents' deaths and that the HQ of the killers is somewhere in the middle of nowhere which doesn't exactly get me far. Needless to say, I'm not too pleased that that's all I have on my little twin brothers sudden vanishing act, this information could possibly be fake too.

'Like any of this is supposed to calm down a slightly over protective big sister' I thought as a sigh left my lips, leaving them drier than they were before.

Even with all of this at least I can smile thinking of Mata making fun of me for my thought if I were to say it out loud near him. That just might be the first thing I do when I find him; after hugging him to death, that is. Unless he needs to get to a hospital before a word can be said, or even worse.

"Stop thinking damn it!" Banging my head on my desk I let out a little sob as darker thoughts sneak into my mind. Anything could have happened or been happening to him right now. While I'm sitting here grasping at straws he's somewhere not here dealing with..who knows what.

Suddenly, anger at myself for not being able to find him bubbles up in my chest. I know it's not my fault, I hope it's not, but the thoughts make it all the worse. Looking anywhere and everywhere I can to find him and not having a single concrete clue after a year of constant searching just dwindles my mental health by the thousands if not millions. Thinking that even if I find something and I act on it, that he could just be dead in the end, makes me break more than when he vanished. If all this work and stress I've done just ends up being useless, I don't know what I'll do with myself.

I let out a low growl and clutch my head in my hands.

"I can't keep thinking like this, I WILL find him..eventually." I whisper to myself.

I glance at the clock on my computer and sigh yet again, it's time to rest. I get up and walk to my dresser and open one of the drawers; pulling out some night clothes. After changing I go to shut down my computer, but before I can a 'bing' sounds through the silent room.

Sitting back down in my desk chair I click the mouse to see the message, as I read I feel my heart stop. Someone helping me in my search had found the location of the HQ, the solid, concrete, and real location. It was just the general area and town but it was much better than before. I quickly catch my breath and send them a Thank you message then continue to shut down my computer and run to my bed.

You would think I was suffering from a major crush by how I leaped into my bed and snuggled under the blankets but no, I just had a bigger chance of finding my brother than I ever had before, or thought I would have.

As my consciousness started to fade; I made a wish, a wish that my brother would be okay.

A/N: So, I compared the writing before this one (the rewrite) and there are now 410 more words and 2,074 more characters than the original. Somehow the reading level went from 9th-10th grade down to 7th-8th grade with this change. Not sure how but it happened. Anyway, please enjoy the re-written version of this chapter and let me know what you think. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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