Chapter 5- 10, Homes

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  • مهداة إلى Mrs. Heather

Author’s Note: So, I got tired of all the cheesy romance and decided to write a different kind of chapter. Sorry it took sooo much time to upload, had a lot going on.Hope you enjoy it.





 The next day started with a bang...literally. Marco was up early, knocking down my bedroom door.

“Alright! Enough! Come in Marco!” I yelled, sitting up. How that kid got all that energy was always going to be a mystery!

He barged in and jumped on my bed, missing my legs by only a couple of centimetres. I crossed them before permanent damage could be done. Pulling at his arms, I dragged him down to sit at the foot of my bed. His wide smile beamed at me.

“So, what’s up?” I asked.

“Melanie.” I waited for more information... It didn’t come.

“What about her?” I threw my hands in front of me.

“She’s coming round here today.” His smile widened. Melanie was his very ‘special’ friend.

“Cool, what are you guys going to do?” I yawned. So tired.

“Melanie hasn’t seen the latest Lazy Town Movie, so we’re going to watch that. Then we’ll play football in the garden and...” He rushed through a list of things they were going to do together. I giggled at his sudden little innocent 4 year old excitement.

“Are you doing all that after school?”

“No! We don’t have school today.” That explained why he was up so early.

“You lucky monkey!” I said ruffling his soft hair. He gave another smile before disappearing behind my door. Again I was alone to get ready. Marco was always so happy. His positive attitude was a good start to my day.

I got dressed and ready to go to school, because unlike Marco, I had to go.


10 minutes later, I left for school. All the way there, I was remembering my dream-like weekend. I snapped out of my day-dreaming state when I arrived at the big metal gates of school. Then I realised that there was no-one around. Not a single student. No jolly Blue or smiling Joe came to greet me. How odd.

I scanned the site thoroughly with my eyes before they rested on a large white van with the word ‘AMBULANCE’ written at the top of it. Two men dressed in blue hospital uniforms came out of nowhere with a stretcher. On the stretcher was a limp boy in a yellow t-shirt and jeans. There was writing on the t-shirt. It seemed to be a personalised football shirt. It said:

‘J. Homes, number 10’.

I did a double take.

Only Joe had a shirt like that.  


After rushing over to the ambulance, demanding to know what happened, I decided that I had to see him. The doctor in the ambulance refuse to tell me, when they were in such a rush to get him to the hospital. I was completely beside myself, with... shock, was it? Maybe worry?

 Before I got sent away, I got a quick glance at Joe's still body on the bed. In the state I was in, going to school may not have been the best idea.  So then, not being able to bear the image of my boyfriend all banged up and hurt and alone, I told Mrs Nome, the nurse, I felt really sick and got myself sent home. I made straight for the hospital, where I got lost several times before asking some nurse where room 224 was. DON'T ASK ME TO FIND A ROOM IN A 500 ROOM BUILDING WHEN MY BOYFRIEND'S IN HOSPITAL! I was soon informed by Joe's doctor Dr Buntly that he had just had surgery and was recovering. When he was sent to his room, I would get to see him.

Joe hadn't seen the lorry coming as he took the left turn into Pellington Road. The truck was going at 30 miles an hour, not quite fast enough to kill him, but still enough to cause damage...lot's of damage.

So there I was. Mr and Mrs Homes were sitting opposite me with identical expressions of anxiety on their colour drawn faces. Neither of them had spoken. I don't know how long I had been sitting in this position, but my butt was going numb.  Therefore I stood and paced like they do in the movies until the door opened to reveal a limp body I didn't even recognise at first. By then, I was past scared and worried. I was petrified and insanely anxious.

Joe was sitting in a wheelchair, pale faced and weak-looking. His eyes were closed, his breathing was even so he must have been asleep. Two young nurses lifted him onto his bed while Mr and Mrs Homes leaped up spontaneously. Many days passed when I didn't even think about going to school. All I did was wait for Joe to wake up so I could talk to him for the few minutes he was conscious every day. For the rest of the day, I sat and watched his recoveries and wouldn't move from my chair. The hospital room was like my second home then. I cried a lot, but Joe always said it's Ok. He said it's alright because at least he wasn't going to die. That did not help...

Joe's relatives and friends came in once in a while. Blue came after school every other day to keep me company. She was such a good best friend. I stopped crying when I saw him in the mornings because I knew he was nearly ready to go home and everything would go back to normal. Well, that's what I thought anyway. I knew so little of what was to come.

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