Ice n' rice ~ Behind the Screen

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Hi, dear readers of Ice n' Rice!!
You all know that I finished it a few weeks ago, and told you that I'd write a "behind the scenes" with facts and such. I'm so sorry for delaying this much!! I went on holiday after finishing the fanfic and a lot of stuff happened...

Anyway, welcome to: "Ice n' Rice: Behind the screen"!!

♡~ I started to write this fanfic because of the title. Yes, sirs and ma'ams, one day I came up with such a genius title and decided to write a whole fanfic. Crazy isn't it?

♡~ In a start, it was just goin to be a harmless fluffy romantic fic, but at some point I saw the feels chance and took it~

♡~ When I started, I was very lost. I only knew how to start it, but had no idea about how to finish. Yes, that's how I write a fanfic!

♡~ I had many fluffy endings in mind. Unfortunately, I've forgot most of them! I'm so sorry!! I can only remember HK and Ice, sitting on a couch on a flat, all alone and cuddly (♥).

♡~ I'm personally not a great fan of smut/lemon. But I knew that I had to put some here, that's why it's such a soft chapter!

♡~ Out of all the characters of this fic, I identify with Hong Kong the most.


♡~ I also tried to put a title reference in the fic too, welp I actually typed "Ice and rice" somewhere. But I mean in the story developing, a dialogue or something.

♡~ I once saw part of this fic on Instagram and got so happy because omg, someone likes it enough to post about it!! Thanks!♥

♡~ I'm so so sorry for using copyrighted pics for the cover and the chapters. I truly apologize. I'm already working in the pics to use.

♡~ Originally, I was going to give HK a little panda pet, but I left it as a free pet.

♡~ Somehow, I knew that I'd make Mr. Puffin get lost from the start. Crazy ideas I have.

♡~ I must confess that, when the feels ideas started to flow in my mind, I had planned to kill China off. But hell, he is my baby I just couldn't.

♡~ I really had a lot of fun both writing the fic and doing this!

♡~ If you have any question/something you want me to talk about (related to the fic oF COURSE) comment bellow!

Thank you so so much for reading!! See you in my next fanfic!!~♥

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