Paying her a visit

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A/N: Hey guys so I finally got around to updating this, and I might lack a little more because school for me starts up in like 3 days.... anyways I have to take masky and hoodie to the grocery store, lets just say I don't want to be seen with them when we reach the dessert section. ~Cinder 

~Anthony's POV~ 

I walked back to my locker after the 3rd period, Where's Ian I haven't seen him in a while. I know he isn't sick because vampires can't get sick, he wouldn't go home because of him getting beat up otherwise he would have told me. Oh please tell me he isn't behind the school again. Yep he's there. I ran to the bathroom and teleported there to see Ian curled up in the fetal position, crying his eyes out. What could have led him to act like this. 

Angel, what's wrong? He looked up at me with puffy dark red eyes. Who ever did this is dead. 

Some chick that's all. 

What did she do 

S-she shoved me i-in the b-bathroom,p-pinned me to a w-wall, and s-started m-making out w-with m-me. I feel like I know who it was.

That's no reason to cry. 

Yes it is, when I teleported back here, I started thinking about what would happen if you would have saw us, I was thinking that you would have left me, and I couldn't handle that kind of thought. 

I would never leave you, especially considerating she did the same thing to me... 


I was walking from 3rd period. Ugh only a few more hours until I can go home, and me and Ian can hang out. Before I even made it halfway I felt a hand go over my eyes and started pulling me toward a nearby restroom. Then someone slammed me against the wall, and started kissing me roughly while trying to shove their tongue down my throat. I shoved the person away, knowing it definitely wasn't Ian. When I pulled away I saw a girl that looked like such a fucking whore. She had a extremely short tight pink crop top, a white short skirts, black 6 inche heels,way to many lip injections, and she looked like she just robbed a covergirl factory. 

"Hey babe like what you see?" 


"Why babe I know you want me" 

"IM GAY AND PLUS I HAVE A FUCKING BOYFRIEND" I then stormed out of the bathroom with pure rage. 

~End of flashback~ 

So yeah that's what happened 

I can't believe she did that, she has no fucking right! 

 Yeah I think we should pay her a little visit 


~Ian's POV~ 

~Time skip~ 

It was finally the last period and me and Anthony were paying Victoria a little visit. 

Ant you ready? 

Yeah babe she deserves what's coming for her 

If you are wondering our plan was to have Cinder (we persuaded her to help us out)  somehow lead her to the back of the school,where Anthony starts to "flirt with her" and I after like 5 minutes comes out of the shadows and bite her neck, either killing her or turning her into a vampire. Either way she will pay for her actions. I walked to the back of the school and hid behind the dumpster. 

~Cinder's POV~ 

I saw Victoria at her locker. Ian told me to lead her to the back out the school, so she could pay for her actions. I quickly agreed because she is a total bitch and I want to see her suffer for all the pain she has caused me. 

Hey Victoria I think Anthony would like to talk to you 

Oh that tan hottie? 

Uh yeah, yeah him 

Okay where is he at 

I think the back of the school here I'll show you 


I smirk and led her behind the school to see Anthony fixing his hair. 

There he is, you guys have fun. With that I left them alone, I just wonder what there going to do, Ian didn't really give me the specifics. 

~Anthony's POV~ 

I hear footsteps so I start fixing my hair, I have to look as presentable as possible. I then hear Cinder say There he is, you guys have fun! I'm kind of surprised Cinder got her this fast, though after what Victoria did to her boyfriend i'm not to shocked that she was anxious to get her here. 

Hey babe what do ya want 

I yep that hurt but at least this is part of the plan, I just hope it works.  All she does is smirk and slams her lips against mine, Since I have to I kiss back with a little more force. I'm mentally trying to imagine this is Ian, which failed, speaking of Ian where the hell is he, and why is he making me suffer. After about 2 minutes she finally gasps and falls to the floor. 

Ian, where have you been?! 

Sorry, it was funny to see you struggling 

Fuck you, but did you kill her or just turn her into a vampire 

Vampire, I don't think she deserves to die. 

Well either way she will feel dead inside anyways 

Let's bring her to my house, I want to see her reaction when she wakes up 


With that we teleported to Ian's house with Victoria 

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