Entry #5

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I apologize for not writing in this journal. It seems that I have a lot of explaining to do. Here we go.

Wendy is my sister. I know, before you burst, let me explain. Wendy and I were separated of sorts when I was engaged to some arse. The man I was engaged to stabbed me and Peter found me. I awoke in Peter's bed (scandalous, I know), but I was completely healed. After that we decided I should stay with him. So I did. Long story short I got pregnant and I died giving birth to our child.

Peter found some witch or wizard and he or she told him his shadow could save me. Peter left our son on the Mainland and took us here. I guess this is like my heaven.

Anyways, Rumplestiltskin is my son. I assume he's going to be popular in your time Ash. On the Mainland he supposedly is powerful and I have had small visions of him in the Enchanted Forest causing chaos. I haven't told anyone in the group and no one had noticed thank goodness.

Peter has been taken over by Pan. I have seen him in my dreams. Peter has told me all about shadow and his own to control everything on the island.


There is a spell that has been given to me by my son (he's helping us destroy the shadow). It requires precise timing and loads of magic. Doing this would kill me but it won't because I can't die unless I want to. At the moment I'm too stressed to die, again.

As of the moment I am walking to the clearing to meet up with Wendy. Supposedly she has fallen in love with the shadow but something tells me there is an alternative motive at play. No one knows of my suspicions, yet.

I am dreaming of the moment where I see Shadow's being become another spec of nothingness in this world.



This is basically a summery chapter, yes. This chapter will be used in book 2 so just know it is necessary.


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