Chapter 5

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Little Annabeth and I laid side by side, trying to count the stars in the sky. We had already found many constellations, pointing them out to each other before resuming our counting, lapsing into a comfortable silence.

"I can't believe your mom said we have to stop hanging out." I said, interrupting the serenity.

She turned her head so that she was facing me, her golden curls looking silver in the moonlight. I had not thought about it much, but Annabeth, to my eight year old self, looked really pretty. "You have Blackjack."

I laughed. "What am I going to do, fly up to your balcony?"

Her expression was deadly serious. "Only if I can't sneak out."

I nodded in agreement, and she smiled.

"ANNABETH!" Came a shout from the castle. She sighed. "That's my cue. Remember your promise, Seaweed Brain."

We both stood up, and I hugged her goodbye, assuring her we'd sneak out to see each other the next day.

**End of Flashback**

Annabeth had never had trouble sneaking out by herself. I never imagined the first time I actually flew up to her balcony on Blackjack, I would be eighteen and kidnapping her.

Blackjack and I flew near the palace, and I spotted the balcony to her room, oh, sorry, chambers, immediately.

A silhouette sat on the edge of the balcony, and I could recognize those honey blonde curls anywhere. Annabeth.

She began to turn as I flew up behind her, so I grabbed her wrists with one hand and clamped the other over her mouth before she could scream.

"I wouldn't scream if I were you, Wise Girl." I used the nickname I called her when we were younger, before we had that argument and never saw each other again.

She tensed up in shock, and I thought kidnapping her would be easy. That is, until she bit my hand.

"OW!" I yelled, jerking my hand away. She shot up and whirled around to face me. "Percy?!"

I glared at her while rubbing the side of my hand. "Thanks for the new bite mark, by the way."

She rolled her eyes, which I noticed had become more of a stormy silver color. Her hair was longer, which made sense, considering that the last time I had actually seen her was when we were eight. It reached her lower back in golden ringlets. I snapped myself out of it, and leapt on to the balcony.

She backed up slightly, crossing her arms. "And what exactly are you doing here?"

Her dress swished around her bare feet, and she gave me a death glare, which I'll admit made me flinch. "No questions, princess."

Before she could even react, I sprung into action, holding her wrists together while she struggled to free them. She tried to kick me where the sun don't shine, but I moved so she kicked me in the calf instead.

"Get on the pegasus."


I tied her wrists together with a piece of rope I had brought in one of my pockets, just incase. Then I blindfolded her.

"Why the blindfold?"

"So you won't be able to see where our hideout is."

I could imagine her rolling her eyes at that.


So yep, here I was, being kidnapped by my childhood friend. Joy.

"Don't my wrists need to be untied so I can hold on and not fall to my death?" I so graciously pointed out. If he's going to kidnap me, for Zeus's sake, do it right.

Percy mumbled some not so kind words about my intelligence being an insult to his kidnapping skills, and undid the rope. I didn't try to run, for I knew he would just drag me back here. I'm far from stupid. So I let him lift me on to the pegasus's back, because, being blindfolded, I can't see.

I felt him hop on in front of me, and I wrapped my arms around his middle so I wouldn't fall off. Hey, I've never ridden a pegasus before.

"So why exactly are you kidnapping me, Seaweed Brain?"

He tensed at his old nickname, and for some unknown reason, I smirked.

"Ransom." He finally answered. "I left a note on your dresser, by the way."

"Thanks for that." I replied sarcastically. "I've always wanted to be taken and held captive for money."

"My pleasure."

I rolled my eyes and tried not to think about how muscular he was. Instead I thought of my parents, Piper, and Hazel, and their reactions. I didn't cry. I don't see the point in crying, at least not because I was being taken hostage. I cannot show weakness to my captors.

What a twist of fate that my ex-best friend would be the one to kidnap me. Yup, I definitely feel the love (sarcasm).

~Third Person POV~

The royal family and guests sat around the dining table, awkwardly finishing their suppers. Piper and Hazel kept sneaking worried glances at the direction Annabeth had run.

The king and queen looked immensely guilty, barely eating the gourmet mashed potatoes on their plates.

Lady Levesque and Piper's parents felt extremely awkward in this situation, not looking at anyone.

Lord Hermes scowled at the queen. "Athena, you told me you would make your daughter see sense!"

Athena flinched. "Of course, Lord Hermes. I will go talk to her." She said stiffly, rising from her place and shuffling up the stairs.

She knocked on her daughter's door, and, upon receiving no reply, pushed the double doors open.

The room was empty.

Athena gasped, her hands covering her mouth. She rushed into the bathroom, then out on to the balcony, the returned inside, not finding any sign of the seventeen year old princess.

Finally, she saw it. A sheet of paper folded and sitting on Annabeth's dresser.

Athena frowned and walked over to it; she knew her daughter would not have left it. She picked it up and carefully unfolded it, and began to read the ink on the paper:

Your Majesties,

Yes, your daughter, princess Annabeth, has been kidnapped. We expect no less than a thousand gold pieces, if you ever want to see her again.

No, we will not harm her. We may have to, though, if she retaliates.

However, we expect the amount of gold pieces soon. Leave them on the roof of the baker's home, whenever you're ready to have your daughter back.

Best Wishes,

Annabeth's Captors

Tears leaked out of Athena's stormy gray eyes, falling on to her cheeks. She folded the note roughly and sprinted down the steps to tell her husband and friends that Annabeth had indeed been kidnapped.

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