His Bubblegum Klutz: A Month Later

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I was sitting in my car waiting for the race to begin. The car that would be given to the winner is a Mercedes Benz CL63 in a blue color that reminded me of Aqueela and her bubblegum flavored ice cream. Since she left I haven't stepped a foot in that place, it reminded me too much of how I was too late.

The race was about to begin and I wanted desperately to win the car, not for me but for Aqueela. When the race started I zoomed off and let my mind think about Aqueela. Why hadn't I realized sooner how I felt dammit? All I had to do was show my feeling but I was so stupid, now she's gone and I don't know when she is coming back.The race ended with me coming in first place. I got out of the car and walked to Grey.

"Good job man" He said patting me on the back. I gave him a small nod and gave him the keys to my car while I took the one I just won. I got in the car and drove back to Greys place, I saw my car which meant he was already here. I took my time getting inside and made my way to the couch.

"Dammit Jay, you just won. Shouldn't you be happy?." I heard Grey curse. I sighed as I looked at my feet. Its been a whole fucking month and she isn't back. I cant say I'm all that much surprised, everyone I have ever let in leaves me. I thought it would be different with Aqueela; of course all she ever wanted was for me to fight for us, to prove I wanted us to work out, and that I wanted to be with her.

"I am happy" I said giving his a stiff smile.

Grey groaned and looked at me, "You miss her, stop being an idiot and do something about it"

"What the hell am I supposed to do Grey, call up my private jet and tell them to take me to New York?" I yelled.

"God Jay, don't not do anything. Maybe you can't fly there, but you have her number and a damn phone use it!" He exclaimed. I sat there staring at the ceiling trying to think about what I am going to do.

I rose up out of my seat and walked to the door. When I reached it I turned to Grey, "I'll see you later man" I said and walked out of the door.

It's about time I stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. I got into my car and drove home. Once there I called the person I knew could help me since he has money, Xavier.

"Hello" He said from the phone.

"Xavier, I need your help" I said.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Jay, you idiot. Be at my place in 30 minutes" I said annoyed.

"Ugh, whatever" He said before I heard a beep signaling he had hung up.

30 minutes later there was a know at my door which I assumed was Xavier. I got up and opened it and invited him in.

"So what did you need help with?" He asked.

"I need a plane ticket to New York and since I don't have the money for that, I decided to sell you the Mercedes for the fastest way to New York" I said explaining the plan I had.

"Wait, so you are telling me that you will give me that car if I get you to New York?" he asked confused.

"I want to leave today" I added.

"So I get you on the next ride to New York I get the car?" He asked.

"Yes, didn't I just say that?" I said irritated what's not to understand, I was very clear about what I wanted.

"Deal, I should have the ticket in a couple of hours. I will be back then and expect the car here" He said. I nodded and he left.

I grabbed my keys and phone and left my house and drove to Bells' house. When I got there I got out and walked to the door. When the door opened she looked surprised to see me.

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