Chapter 5- Black Is The New White

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"So, you're the daughter of the world's best criminals." He said with a grin on his face. "Yeah." I said awkwardly. He kept staring at me. "Aren't you supposed to be cowering in fear about now?" I asked. 

He just smiled. "I'm not scared of you E." Everyone is scared of me. This is the first time a stranger has never been scared of me, not including Tyler. "How?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest. 

"My parents were friends with your parents." He said nonchalantly. "So does that mean...?" I said curiously. "Yeah. My parents were criminals too." He said grinning. 

I never thought I would meet someone who's so much alike to me. I finally meet someone who's parents were criminals the same as me. "Wait, so you live alone in that mansion beside me?" I said pointing to the mansion next door.

"That's right." He said. "What school do you go to?" I asked him. "I go to your high school and I'm in the same grade as you. I'm a Junior, which means I have one more year to go to become a senior." 

So, we're in the same school, and we live in the same street next door to each other. What a coincidence. "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you at school tomorrow, E." He said waving. I waved back. I was about to walk upstairs but Thomas said,"Are you going to the party at 10 tonight?" I turned around and looked at him. "I don't know. I'll try and come." He nodded and walked out the front door of my house. 

I walked up the stairs. I went up to my room and closed the door shut. I sat down on my bed with black sheets and called Madison. "You up for a party today?" I asked through the phone. "I don't know. We've been through a lot today." She said, her voice cracking. 

"Come on! We need this! We need to get out and forget about everything." I said twirling the ends of my hair with my finger. After everything that happened today, we need to get out. I was not going to cry myself to sleep because of stupid Caleb. I need to forget he ever existed and try new things. 

"Fine. I'll come to your house in an hour." She said hanging up the call. Parties weren't usually my thing. I went to the one last time, because Madison practically forced me too. I was going to this one because I needed something to distract myself. Annie always tells me to not go to them, because of alcohol and boys. I walked over to the closet. I usually just wear anything that's black. Black is my favorite color, which you guys probably realized already. 

My whole closet was full of black and white clothes. I seriously need to do some shopping for other colorful stuff. I grabbed a black t-shirt that had,"No hard feelings" printed on it. I also grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans with some holes on it. 

I put the top and bottom on and then grabbed some black high heel boots that reached to my ankles  and put them on. I walked inside the restroom and applied some black eyeliner, mascara, and pink lip gloss. I straightened my hair and walked out the restroom. I looked at myself  in the mirror and I had everything black. I looked like a goth. I was wearing way too much black. 

People, think i'm one of those Gothic people, because I always wear black. I'm not a goth, I'm just a person who enjoys wearing black. I walked out my room and Annie was sitting on the couch with her daughter, Violet. 

"Where are you going?" She asked while watching Frozen, for the 100th time. "I'm going to a party." I said looking for my black nail polish in the kitchen. Don't ask, why I keep it there. 

"No, you're not Missy. You're staying here." She said commanding. "You're not my mom. I can do whatever I like." I said rolling my eyes at her. I sat down on the dining room chair, and painted my nails black while waiting for Madison to come.


I was bored as hell. I've been waiting here for about two hours already and Madison still hasn't gotten here yet. I was sitting in the couch watching High School Musical with Violet. This movie is so annoying. I'm only watching it because I'm bored out of my mind. I was about to fall asleep until I heard the doorbell ring.

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