Let's Get Started

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As you should know, whether if you follow me or you simply read the tags on this story, I have no life. What I do have however, is a plethora of fandoms. This ranges from Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Glee, One Direction, DC Comics, and recently added Disney Descendants. I will probably talk about YouTubers as well, I'm not in all of the YouTuber fandoms but I am part of the phandom, troyler fandom, and I love Tyler Oakley as well so....

That out of the way! The first order of business is to let you know that I have NO idea how often I will update this story and I realize that this account has been inactive for AGES. If there is something that you're curious to know how I feel about something, just go ahead and ask and I will answer :) It doesn't even have to be about any of the fandoms I'm apart of now, if you just want to know how I feel about a certain show.

I won't be posting any of my superhero opinions in this book because I have a book on my other account for that very purpose. 

I'm not even sure what all the things I post on here will range from. I'll try to keep the opinions about the real world out of here unless you want me to put those in here as well. Other than that, this could very well be a wild card book, so beware >=)

If I say something you disagree with, please be civil. I'm only human *Christina Perry plays*. Please be aware that people have separate opinions on things, whenever I see something I don't agree with I simply ignore it. I try not to start internet fights because they really is no winner and both people end up feeling either like crap or just really angry for the rest of the day and that's not what this is about.

But really though, feel free to ask me about anything and if I'm worried about putting it in the book I'll answer you a different way. Anyway, thank you for listening to my little spiel and have a wonderful day!

Like I said, real world opinions will be left out unless I feel that you guys want them put in here. Don't feel discouraged to talk to me about a real world problem just because it doesn't fit the book, I will talk to you and answer your question.

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