Answers to thingy

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Got tagged by tdbfdiii again! Yay! But this time, it's different. Today I'm gonna be answering to questions! Let's get started!

1. What is your appropriate response when your book reaches 1k (no wrong answers):
Dytdxgfhugygyiuvyufiytfxtdducduyrucft MY FANS ARE AWESOME!!!!! <---- me on WattPad in a nutshell

2. Name as many Youtubers as you can in a minute
*deep breath* Pewdiepie, markiplier, MyLittleBronieDE, Jacksepticeye, Vevo, The Brony Notion, Naomi Sequera, EilyMonty, Tobuscus
9 Youtubers! You guys can do better than me though :(

3.🎶ooh na, na, na. What's my name? (Hint: Starts with V)🎶
Do I have to do this one?
Fine. Isn't Vanessa or something? IDK

4. ID are R5?
R5. Not only because awesome music but because Ross Lynch is in it.

5. Greetings and salutations!
You know you could've said hi, right? But greetings to you too!

6. LOL!
What's so funny? Unless your talking about the Locker Of Losers, I'm literally clueless.

7. Quack.

8. Can you get rid of the people on the radio who suck?
If only I could :( but I don't listen to the radio because I have a TV.

9. What does the moose say?
Since I'm the poophead I am now, I have no idea.

10. What do you think of LGBT people?
I think it's alright. I mean, if you love someone, you love them. Don't be afraid.

11. Have you seen Flushed Away
Sadly, no.

12. Error 550: WattPad is glitching and you cannot comment.

12. Do you like this thing?
It's cool.

12. Did you noticed I repeated 12 three times?
Since I always look at the question numbers, yes, I did noticed. Thanks for pointing it out.

15. I just skipped 15 like a bozz
No you didn't. You skipped 13 and 14. Get your facts right!

16. Wut is Sarcastic Sara?
IDK. Maybe it's a girl called Sara and she's sarcastic? IDK.

17. 🎶This is my fight song🎶
🎶Take back my life song🎶
🎶Prove I'm alright song🎶
🎶My powers turned up🎶
🎶Starting right now, I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
🎶I'll play my fight song.🎶
🎶And I don't really care if nobody else believes
🎶'cause I still got a lot of fight left in me!🎶

18. What's that beeping noise?
My popcorn's ready! *munches on popcorn* want some?

19. You suck.
You think that's gonna scare the crap outta me? Unlike you, I actually have a brain to think before I speak.

20. Sugar?
Two packets, please. Want my hot chocolate to get super sweet.

And done! Now to tag! I tag the following people:
Only three. Don't have many friends :( See you guys next time!
(A/N: YAY! The next chapter for "A Sister's Love" is almost finished! Expect the chapter to be this month.

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