Can I Have My Heart Back?

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How dare he steal my heart! I glare at him as he stares back at me not flinching. “You have taken everything from me; my family, my friends, even my god damn virginity! But most of all, you stole my heart. I hate you,” I scream. He flinches. Finally, I got some reaction out of him. “You don’t understand Rayne. I wish I could explain but I cant right now. I promise I will come back and explain eventually,” he says. Then I say the words I have regretted my entire life, “I don’t ever want to see you again!”

Rayne has always known that the love of her life was hiding a secret but she never wanted to intrude so she kept quiet. But when her boyfriend tells her that he is going away for a long time and she cannot come, she knows something is horribly wrong. She refuses to give up, so she goes on the most dangerous journey of her life to find her soul mate before he is gone forever.

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