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Idiot: Hiiiiii

Lover Boy: Hello

Idiot: Cats or dogs

Lover Boy: Penguins

Idiot: CATS 🐈

Idiot: Or DOGS?! 🐩

Lover Boy: PENGUINS 🐧

Idiot: Alright

Idiot: Kissy Kissy..

Lover Boy: I'm not kissy kissying back

Idiot: Why? 😫

Lover Boy: Cause I don't want to kissy kissy you.

Idiot: Fine :(

Idiot: Whhhhy!!!

Lover Boy: Because.

Idiot: Pweeaasee

Lover Boy: Nope.

Idiot: 😔

Lover Boy: Ugh......

Lover Boy: Kissy kissy

Idiot: 😚😚

Lover Boy: ☺️

Idiot: Hey, I have a question.

Lover Boy: Okay, what is it?

Idiot: please don't think I'm weird or anything.

Lover Boy: I won't.

Idiot: Promise

Lover Boy: Promise Mikey.

Idiot: If I asked you to be my like... Boyfriend.. What would you say?

Lover Boy: Are you asking me?!

Lover Boy: Would it be crazy though? I mean.. Like we've never even met.. Isn't that weird?

Idiot: It was hypothetical Luke...

Lover Boy: Oh...

Lover Boy: God.. I feel like an idiot..

Idiot: Jk!

Idiot: I am asking you.

Lover Boy: Are you really?

Idiot: Yes.

Lover Boy: Okay, um ask again.

Idiot: Will you be my boyfriend?

Lover Boy: Yes!!

Idiot: Kissy Kissy. 😘

Lover Boy: Kissy kissy 😚☺️

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