ένα The end and her biggining

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July 4 2015


Dean was fighting with his brother Sam again, this time was a lot different though, today they had company, unexpected company. Not only the brothers were sat at the cheap motels chairs, they were also joined by Lucifer, Michael, Castiel and their youngest brother Adam. "great you brought the archangels back now what are you going to? For all we know they could start the apocalypse...again" Sam yelled, Dean, deep down knew he was right but he had no other choice what were their chances with something archangels had a difficulty to beat? "what other choice did we have? I don't want these scumbags here either, hell I'd be crazy to want them here but we need all the help that we can get" Dean said "hey, I never did anything to you, watch your mouth" Lucifer said, Dean gave him a glare "nothing? You beat me up, you wore Samy to prom and he walked around with no soul for over a year and you tortured his soul. That's not what you'd call nothing!" he yelled "Dean relax for now we need all the help we can get, which will be hard considering that all of our friends are dead" Sam said "I know someone who could help you" Lucifer spoke again, Sam gave him a questioning look gesturing him to continue "she was in the cage with us, she will need a little fix but she's grate"

 August 7 2015


 It started about a month ago memories that shouldn't have come back slowly and painfully climb the wall that was set on Wynter's mind to protect her from them. Wynter wasn't your typical teenager at the age of 14 she met a hunter, not the type that shoots deer, the type that kills creatures, supernatural creatures, his name was Sam Winchester, well she didn't me et him-him but she met his vessel witch was occupied by the devil himself at the time, Lucifer liked her witch was pretty odd, when Sam jumped in the cage Lucifer took Wynter with him-she still doesn't know how _ and he didn't torture her well not as much as he tortured Sam's soul, yes she was stuck in the cage with Michael, Lucifer and Sam's soul for more than a year and she was as broken as Sam's soul was. She was lucky when someone got there she didn't know who he was but Lucifer rafered to him as "death" he came in the cage to retreve Sam's soul to his body. "death" took her back to earth too and Lucifer let her go. She remembered until that day his words before "death" brought her back "ill put a wall in your head it will protect you from the memories from my cage, but if I come back it will fall apart. I had fun with you, when I come back ill find you". Wynter was stuffing her bag with her clothes, she was ready to check out of the motel after she finished the case, after she came back she started hunting, she couldn't do anything else her family was dead her friends thought that she was dead she had been missing for more than a year but even if she found her friends what would she say? That she was in a cage deep in the pit with an archangel, a human soul and the devil himself? The last thing she wanted was to be sent at a mental institution. She wasted no time and checked out of the motel, she was now making her way through the dark almost-empty parking lot while caring her bags- one full of clothes and nesseccities and the other full of guns, knifes, amullets , silver bullets, salt and other weapons- she approached her black camaro and loaded her trunk with her bags when she heard footsteps making her way towards her, without giving it a second thought she reached the back of her jeans and quickly pulled out her gun before turning around to face two men, she couldn't make out any characteristics it was too dark for her to see "hey, hey calm down" the one said his voice was husky, deep "who are you and what do you want?" she asked with anger filling her voice "put that down we're just here to talk" the taller figure spoke his voice was so familiar Wynter reκognised him immidiently "Sam? Sam is that you?" she asked allthough she already knew the answer. 

a/n This is an idea I had do you guys like it? it was actually verry random i started writting it in a notebook and i liked it, oh and i know, i used the name Wynter on another fanfiction but i just like it and it suits the character im building, also this is tiny but ill be writting biggrt chapters i promise 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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