Untitled Part 3

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*an hour later*

C:*runs into Rowans room*Rowan can we please go to the club Peyton is gonna sing to G Wild.

R : good for her. *she looks back to her phone*

C:no I mean please come mom won't let me go without you.

R:ugh fine.

*at the club*

C:Stay here.

R:Carmen this is a no parking zone. 

*with Peyton *

B : dude are you sure

P : yes let's go. 

* sneeks in back and sings his hit song Suit and tie that in the story is written by him *

R:ugh *grabs keys and leaves through the ally and gets hit by a door*oww.

P: oh my god I am so sorry *tries to help her up bit falls on her*

R : you are Peyton meyer. 

P:*smiles * ya and you are ?

R : not a Fan.

P: *stops smiling* ok we need to get you too a doctor. 

B:dude what's going on.

P:*looking in her eyes * what do you mean? 

R :* looking in his eyes* your on top of me.

P:*helps her up* oh sorry now let's go.

R:wait my sister. 

P:your sister who?

R: Carmen blanchard. 

P:here let me see the keys.

R:*hands him keys*

P:*hands Bradley the keys* go give Carmen a ride and let me see the keys.


R :I don't feel so good *pukes on Bradleys shoes*

*at hospital *

J:your fine.

R:then why did I puke .

J: Probably because your with this dufus. 

P:*opens curtain* I'm right here you know I can hear you know that Jake.

R: you guys know each other. 

P:my sisters husband. 


J:*leaves * I'll be right back with a prescription just in case honey  oh and how old are you?

R:* smiles* 18.

J: good your 3 years younger your not going to be the next victim.

P:oh whatever.

J:*leaves *

*awkward silence*

P :* phone rings*

R : are you going to get that.

P oh ya * answers it*

*after in the car *

R:so are you taking me home now.

P:Just one stop.

*at his house were there is a party going on*


P:*grabs her wrist and takes her to the guest room*stay here be my guest. 


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