Chapter Two

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(M/n) Male name
(L/n) Last name
(C/s) color shirt
(C/p) color pants
" I am sooo excited for my job " I said happy. I call my mom to tell her the good new. "Hey mom I got a job " I said to her happy. "Really sweetie! That's great news when will your job start " she said excited." Well it starts a 12am thru 6am and I'm going thier right now "I said " okay see you when you get home sweetie " she hang up and so did I so got into some nice (c/s) and (c/p) then I put some shoes on and rode my bike to Freddy fazebear pizza

*Time skips *

I turn the down a street called buckle street and thier I saw Freddy fazebear pizza, I park my bike by wall and chained it up. I walk inside and saw Freddy, chica, foxy in his cove and finally Bonnie the one friend that i had a birthday with and had fun with him too and i though talk to him but he looks like his busy with kids. I went up to a lady and ask her ." excuse me ma'am where the mangers office " I said and she point to a door and she said to me "it right thier sir and um are you going to be the night gurad if you are good luck " she said smiling and left ,so I went to manager office and he didn't talk he gave me a paper to apply the job so I did and I got my uniform and went to change . when I got change in the bathroom and exit out and guy grab me aside and told me " kid you shouldnt have gotten this job and oh by the way the names Mike " then he left before I said anything, why shouldn't I apply this job. So I went to the security to get used to it

*time skip to 10:30 pm

I heard some whispering by the door so I ignore it and makes sure I got every thing correct

Freddy pov

" hey Bonnie let go say hello to the new guy I ask chica but she busy in the bathroom and foxy ...well you know, you wanna come " I ask Bonnie to come with to see the new night guard. "Sure Freddy lets go say hi to him and I got cake " Bonnie said happy , me and Bonnie went to the security and surprise him .

Bonnie pov

"Hello new person my name is bonnie and this Freddy my good friend" I said smiling and then the male look up and saw him shocked and happy and told me "Bonnie......its me (m/n) (l/N) you remember me ..." He said . my mouth drop open and I drop the cake too and I stood thier in shocked and stand in sliend.....

A/n pov

So sorry guys I took so so long I was doing some school work but next week I'll put chapter 3 ^^ thanks for reading this guys I'm so happy and try my best to make this chapter good please show me more view and like and I'll make more ^^

Male Reader x Male BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now