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This one is super long I'm sorry :0
Also contains Spamano and a tiny bit of Gerita

"This is ridiculous." Arthur muttered, squeezed between his boyfriend and his sweaty German friend. "You're ridiculous. Now, Toni, would you rather have Lovino die and find out he has a secret family, or you die and he finds out you have a secret family?" Francis asked. Francis, Arthur, Antonino, Gilbert, and Lovino were just getting back from the restaurant. "Have me die and have Lovino find out. That way Lovino can't kill me for it, because I'll already be dead." Antonino laughed, taking his boyfriend's hand. "Alright, cheri, would you rather--" "I'm not playing your stupid game." Arthur huffed. "Why not? Doesn't it bring back memories of when you had sleepovers and you'd play it? Or are you being a bummer because you said something like 'I would rather marry Francis Bonnefoy than live a long happy life' and then everyone knew you were madly in love with me?" Francis asked. "That was specific." Gilbert pointed out. "I've never had a sleepover, you idiot." Arthur grumbled. A collective gasp rang through the car. "Even Lovino has been to one, Arthur! We're throwing you one tomorrow." Francis kissed Arthur's temple. "Can I bring my brother and Lovino's little brother?" Gilbert asked. "No! It's bad enough you're here! I don't want potato bastard and my brother here too!" Lovino screeched. Antonino leaned over and whispered something in his ear. "O-on second thought, maybe it wouldn't be awful." Lovino said just above a whisper, blushing. "Alright, then it's settled! Show up tomorrow at eight and we'll show Arthur everything his sad childhood was missing!" Francis declared.

"Francis, I really don't want a party." Arthur almost sounded pathetic. "Mon cheri, please go along with it. It will be fun." Francis promised, looking over at Arthur with doe eyes. "Fine. So how much setting up does this require?" Arthur asked, folding his arms. "Do we have beer?" "Yes." "A lot?" "Yes." "Then we're all set up." Francis laughed at his own joke, more than he should have. "They should be here in two hours, you think you can contain your excitement for that long?" Francis asked, smirking. "I can hardly wait. I'm practically bursting." Arthur said in a monotone. "That's my Arthur." Francis purred, pulling Arthur close. Arthur rolled his eyes. "You know we have two hours to kill..." Francis trailed off. "We do." Arthur responded. "Maybe just maybe we can..." Francis leaned in. "Don't think so." Arthur pulled back. "I was going to say have a nice cup of tea and talk about current events. I don't know where your mind was going." Francis teased. "Sure, love. I was going to suggest you make animal love to me, but I like your idea much better. Let's get right on that shall we?" Arthur stood up and made way to the kitchen to make tea. "Damn you, Arthur!" Francis yelled at him. Arthur snickered and kept walking.

Gilbert showed up at their door at about 8:00. Francis welcomed him in. "I realised I will be the only single person here." Gilbert said, almost sad. "Aw, we'll play spin the bottle and maybe you'll get to kiss me." Francis smirked. "I don't like guys, Franny." Gilbert rolled his eyes. "You had a boyfriend for two years." Arthur pointed out. "Yeah? That doesn't mean I like guys." Gilbert said, thinking the other two were stupid. "Alright then. What's taking your brother so long?" Francis asked, trying to change the topic. "He's at work, but Feli was bored so he tagged along with me. I think he's in the car, on the phone with Ludwig." Gilbert headed towards the kitchen. "Do you guys have beer?" Gilbert asked, rummaging through the fridge. "Oui, it's out here." Francis sat down next to Arthur on the couch.

"Ciao! Ludwig should be here by ten, he promised!" Feli walked in, not even bothering to knock. "So, is there going to be like a pillow fight or what?" Arthur asked. "You watch too much porn. I have other games in mind." Francis smiled deviously. "I'm not playing any stupid games, Antonino!" Shouting was heard from outside. "Lovi, please? It will be fun! I'm guessing Francis is planning on playing seven minutes, and you know I can be quick when I want to." Antonino's voice could just be heard by all four of the guests in the house. "That game is in my plans, so you guys can come in!" Francis yelled. "What's takes seven minutes and what was that earlier about you kissing Gilbert?" Arthur asked quietly. "I'll show you when we play it later and I promise it'll just be a peck." Francis smiled gently at his boyfriend, winking. "Oh, you heard." Antonino laughed awkwardly, blushing. Lovino stared at the ground, his face a deeper shade of red than Antonio's.

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