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Sam's PoV.

After my dad had left our family, I refused to cry. In fact I refused to be weak. I rejected all my fears and if I couldn't, I found a solution to that fear or problem and fought it. So whether it was spiders or clowns e.t.c. I would find away to cure that fear and yes I would be lying if I said it was easy, it took a lot of dedication but my motivation was hearing my mothers pleads ringing through my ears.

But the thing that i didn't discover was that in actual fact, I feared fear. I was scared of being fearful. Why? Because if I wasn't fearful and was strong, I may have had the courage to walk in on my dad abusing my mom and tell him to stop. Instead of running of to my bedroom with tears running down my cheeks.

Maybe I could've stop the beating.

Maybe I could've stopped my dad.

Maybe I could've saved my mum.

But no. My beautiful, caring, kind mom had to suffer that whole situation because I couldn't grow up and walk through a door and simply say 'stop'. Maybe I didn't even have to walk in, I could've easily just picked up my home phone and call the police but no. I decided to run off like a...a.. Wimp. And It wasn't only that one night I hid from my father, I did it every single night of 6 months until he finally left. I was 9 when I saw the first time my dad had abused my mom so I spent around about 6-7 years building me into this strong image.

"Sam?!? Are you okay?" Those simple words snapped me out off my thoughts. I looked around, wondering where I was until I noticed that I was still at Starbucks. And those words belonged to Leo.

"Sam are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Hmm? Ye.. Yeah I'm fine." I stuttered. Wait I never stutter unless I- ohh no.

I grabbed a spoon from the table and looked at my reflection.I touched my wet cheeks. As the warm liquid running down my face felt almost foreign to me, because of how long ago I felt this feeling.

I was crying. I was showing weakness. Shoot!

"Are you alright?" He asked yet again. I could just imagine how vulnerable I looked at this moment. I quickly swiped the tears away from my face with the back of my hand, stood up from the wooden chair and grabbed all my belongings. Including my Starbucks... Obviously. And began speed walk to the exit.

"Sam!" Leo yelled as he arose from his seat. I stopped in my tracks and turned my face in his direction as my hand gripped the door handle. Concern spread across his face as I shot him an apologetic smile before I pulled the handle and exited the building. Meeting with the fresh, outdoors air.

"Sam!" I heard someone yell. The voice didn't belong to Leo though, it belonged to a female. I turned around and saw Brooke run to me, looking as if I was a lost puppy.

"Are your alright?" She asked with the same concerned eyes as Leo had earlier. I gave her a confused look as to why she would ask that, but then I realised that she was obviously watching the 'date' as Brooke called it. Meaning that she was most likely watched my break down. Great! ... Hint the sarcasm.

"I'm fine." I replied coldly.

"But I saw-"

"It doesn't matter what YOU saw! In fact you saw NOTHING okay? Leave me alone! You weren't suppose to be eardropping anyways!"

"Well, I'm sorry it's- "

"You should be!" I yelled in her face before I ran away with my blood boiling through my veins. All those years of strength have just gone to waste. All those years of building my strong character has just gone to waste.

"Stupid life" I muttered as I shoved past the many busy people, looking for any sign of a bus stop.


I struggle with my house keys in between my finger tips because of my still trembling hands.

"DAMMMIT!!!" I yelled to myself but it wasn't really 'to myself' because I saw my neighbour giving my a very confused/concerned look. Yeah those whispering lessons would really come in handy in life, but to be honest I didn't give a ship.

After a while, I finally managed to enter my house.

"Hey, mum I'm h-home." I said, trying my best to sound like my usual self.

"Hey, I'm in the kitchen!" I heard her voice echo through the house while I made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey, how did the date go?" She asked, once I entered my kitchen, sitting on one of the bar stools.

"Was it good?" She asked again with a smirk. I realised i hadn't answered for a while; all that I could think about was how broken that smirk would have been whilst my dad-

"Sam, you alright?"

-drew back his belt and continued to hit-



"Your scaring me.."



-hit... My mother

Before I knew it, the screams of my mother filled my ears. Louder than ever. They repeatedly stung my ears and my vision became blurred and dizzy as I dropped down from the stool, head in my hands, praying that it would stop. The screeching noise of my mothers pleads and the deafening sound of the belt being met with my mother once perfect skin caused all my limbs to pause but I still began to silently pray that it would all stop.

As if my prayers were answered, the dreadful noises stopped and my once blurred vision; turned to darkness.


Sorry a really short chapster but I had to put a lot of detail into this so sorry again.  Dammit, there really needs to be a potato emoji... Depressed 😭

(The picture at the top is a pic of the Starbucks chocolate frappe! Tumblr is my life... Literally! 😳)

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