Chapter Twelve: Black and Ghostly

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A green glow covered everything around me. The air was moist and humid. I reached out and felt a soft plastic-like leaf from a climbing vine. Sunlight seeped down through the trees. There was a small trail leading up the mountain. I followed it being careful with my steps so I wouldn’t trip on roots and fallen branches. Droplets of water fell around me from the canopy above. I caught one in my mouth, it was warm and sweet. I was walking towards a clearing now. As I reached it I gasped. There were mountains stretching far off into the distance, they were rich and green and smothered in thick clouds. Dinosaur like birds flapped around the tops. They made an odd moaning sound. I was definitely dreaming.

“Pretty isn’t it?”

I jumped, startled by the voice. I turned my head to look. Oliver smiled at me.

“Sophie, Sophie” a voice echoed in my mind distracting me from Oliver and the lush surrounding forest. Oh no, I didn’t want to wake up, I willed myself to stay with the dream. Someone rocked me backwards and forwards trying to wake me up; I gave in.

I blinked my eyes to see a nurse holding two capsules underneath my nose. I thought of Oliver’s face again and smirked. Why was I was dreaming about him so soon? I levered myself onto my elbows so I could drink down the tablets with water.

“This is a new type dear, so keep an eye out for how you feel. I’ll check on you later”

I nodded. The fifth type of anti-psychotic I’d tried; nothing had worked so far. I’d lost track of time, I glanced at a clock. Six am. I’d slept for fourteen hours. I must have needed it. I swallowed the capsules and concentrated on the cool water soothing my dry throat.

That’s right swallow them down I’m not going anywhere, nothing you can take will make me leave.

“Oh shutup.” I threw the voice an imaginary angry stare. It flashed horrible pictures at me in return. I held my breath closing my eyes till it passed. It didn’t stop. “Stop it, Stop it now.” But the pictures intensified. “No, stop!”

Someone knocked at my door and the pictures faded. I wiped sweat from my brow and climbed out of the bed to answer it. Oliver smiled at me.

“Good morning Sophie, I was going out for a cigarette and I heard you yelling.Voices again?”

“Yes, the same one. You’d think it’d let me wake up before chatting to me. It’s very rude.” I smirked at him. He laughed. He really wasn’t frightened of me at all; it was nice to be around one person who wasn’t constantly giving me sideways glances.

“Sounds horrible.”

I nodded. It had been the first time it had really responded to me, I wondered what that meant. Maybe if it responded to me I was starting to affect it. Maybe the drugs were working.

“Would you do me the honour of joining me outside, Sophie?”

Sometimes he talked strange. “Sure.” I grabbed a jacket and followed him down the hallway. A couple of nurses waved at me. Oliver waved back and I realised they were waving at him. Had he been in here before?

“You are making friends quickly,” I pried.

“Ah, yes, this is not my first visit Sophie. Sometimes I need not to be by myself.”

As usual I didn’t quite understand him, but I didn’t press him further. He opened the door for me and we stepped outside. Everything glimmered in the morning dew. The birds sang an amazing chorus. I was so calm, relaxed and almost happy in this moment and I took a deep full breath. “I dreamt about you last night.” I blushed realising how that might have sounded.

Noumena: Sophie and OliverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin