The Ice Cream Surprise

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One day, Chub and Bub were playing in the park under the shining smiling sun, when they saw a sweet treat heading their way! DING-A-LING-A-LING!!! Went the ice cream truck. Chub looked at Bub. Bub looked at Chub. Chub smiled. Bub smiled. Chub and Bub ran to the truck. Bub licked his lips. "One double-decker fudge sundae with extra whipped cream!" He exclaimed. Mr.Yum, the ice cream man, handed Bub his ice cream cone. Chub rubbed his hands together. "One triple berry surprise with extra fudge sauce!" He said hungrily. Mr.Yum handed Chub the treat. "Look out for the surprise!" He said, driving away. "Look out for the surprise?" Wondered Chub. "LOOK OUT for the SURPRISE?" Questioned Bub. Chub and Bub pondered this for a little bit, but their ice cream was melting, so they sat in the shade of an oak tree to eat the sweet treats. SLURP! Went Chub as he licked his surprise. CRUNCH! Went Bub as he munched on his fudge. "YUM!" Went the friends as they sat under the shining smiling sun, eating the ice cream. Suddenly, Chub realized something. "There's a worm in my treat!" He exclaimed. "A WORM in your SWEET?" Shouted Bub. "This must be the surprise Mr.Yum was warning me of!" Chub concluded. "That sneaky, creamy man!" Bub cried. "He's so silly!" Agreed Chub. After they were done with their cool treats, Chub and Bub continued playing under the shining smiling sun. "Just because there's a surprise, doesn't mean it's going to be good!" Chuckled Chub. "And just because it's bad, doesn't mean it won't be fun!" Bellowed Bub. The two friends nodded in agreement and went home.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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