Part 3

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Dear Luke,

I wonder how you are. I remember once, when we were naive innocent 16 year olds, we were gazing a the stars, hand in hand, and we were talking about what happens after we die.

You said that we go to a place, not heaven but something like that, where all our family (from the beginning of life) stay. No one else, but there's so much family tied up into one. It would be like a family reunion. I laughed at you

Thinking about it now, it sounds like a good idea.

Love from,
Jenna x

A/N: by the way this isn't my idea of life after death or Luke's (I mean it could be, but I presume not) but for the purpose of the story it is😊
You know when you type something in and you feel like your being aggressive when you aren't trying to? I feel like I do that all the time. Then I put an emoji beside it so it doesn't look too bad😂

Can anyone relate?
Anyway I shall see you guys on Tuesday!
Peace out Girl Scout!✌🏻️

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