Chapter two

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“Wake up losers.” Paige mumbled as she tried to walk out of the bunk room without tripping on any of Kurt’s things spread out on the floor. “Good morning to you too Paigers.” I said pulling a fluffy white pillow over my head. I heard the bunk above mine moving and out jumped Zander. “Hey buddy; it’s time to start the day.” Zander said as he pulled the blankets off of Kurt. Kurt replied by giving him the finger and rolling over. Zander looked over at me and I covered my face again with the pillow. “You guys want breakfast or what?” Paige yelled from the front of the bus. “Food!” Kurt shot up out of his bed and ran out into the lounge. “God if I knew it was that easy I would’ve just said that we had food waiting for him.” Zander half joked. “So are you ready for Chicago today?” He asked me while pulling on a pair of grey skinny jeans. I shrugged in response. After last night I learned anything I say can and will be held against me. I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and stretched. “No I’m not cooking you breakfast!” Paige yelled at Kurt. “You just asked if I wanted breakfast though?!” Kurt said back. If we all know anything about Kurt it’s that he’s serious about his food, yet he’s this stick thin figure with biceps. But he can thank the drums for that. “We’re going out for food, dumb ass.” Paige had a harsh tone. I giggled at their argument; Zander just shook his head and smiled. “But uh, yeah. I’m ready for Chicago actually. It’s probably my favorite place to be.” I smiled up at him. Zander yanked a white t-shirt over his head and stared at me for a second, just blinking like I caught him off guard. “Oh! Great!” he cleared his throat and started for the lounge. “I’ll let you get ready now.” He winked at me and walked out the door. I shut it behind him and grabbed a pair of grey fringe ended shorts with little black stars on them and a white All Time Low tank top that said “Long live the reckless and the brave.” After I put my real clothes on I sat down in front of the floor length mirror behind the door with my makeup case. I did a gradient of blue with my eye shadow and did winged eyeliner. “Nice.” I said. My makeup is one of the few things I’m proud of. I stood up and brushed through my massively tangled auburn hair. Well I call it auburn anyway; it’s almost bright red on the top layer and a caramel color underneath. I changed my gauges to plugs that had the little “&” sign for Of Mice & Men and adjusted my eyebrow piercing. When I finished styling my fringe bangs to go straight across my forehead, put on my favorite white vans, I walked out to meet everyone else out in the lounge. “Well don’t you look cute.” Kurt said from the couch. I curtsied for him, “Thank you.” I smiled. I looked to Zander who pressed his lips together and pretended to be focused on his hands. Paige came out of the kitchenette and dropped down onto the sofa next to Kurt. “You look nice today.” She looked at my outfit and smiled. “Thanks! You do too.” I said and sat next to Zander. I didn’t have much of an option because Kurt likes to play this game where he tries to take up as much of the couch as possible. Zander shifted a little bit, either making more room for me or he was uncomfortable. I looked back at Paige. I’ve always been slightly jealous of her honestly. She’s super pretty but she’s one of those people who think they’re not. She’s five feet seven inches of pretty really. I don’t know what I’m more jealous of, her bluish green eyes or big side swept bangs. We’ve always both been really into piercings and body jewelry; I remember we both started stretching our ears in the eighth grade. Paige also had a really pretty diamond nose piercing that her brother got her for her birthday and angel bites. I swear she can make any piercings look decent. “Why are you staring at me?” Paige laughed. “Nothing, sorry.” I blushed embarrassed that I was sort of just daydreaming. Kurt put his arm on the back of the couch behind Paige which caused her to kind of sink into his chest. Neither of them cared anyway. I smiled at that, I bet they would be adorable together but Paige is a ‘let me focus on the music only’ type of person and Kurt likes to party. “Hey Renee?” I yelled at the front of the bus. “Yeah, sweetie?” She yelled back. “Can you find us a Denny’s or something? We’re starved!” I replied. Kurt’s eyes widened when he heard the word “Denny’s.” “Sure thing, Talia!” she said happily. We all just sat there for a minute before Kurt broke the silence. “I am super stoked about this concert tonight actually.” He smiled brightly. Kurt has a really cute smile and he’s not bad to look at, but he’s not my type. We’re best friends than we would ever be anything else. Kurt’s hair I think it probably the coolest thing about him besides his personality. His hair kind of reminded me of Jack Barakat’s skunk look from All Time Low. I bet that’s where he got the inspiration for it. Kurt’s only five foot ten but he looks really tall compared to me. I’m the shortest one in the group being only five foot four inches. “Hey Kurt did you get the idea for your hair from Jack Barakat?” I blurted out. Zander and Kurt laughed, “Well yeah I guess you could say that.” He said. “I like it.” I shrugged and smiled. “You know my hair’s been like this for I don’t know… oh over a year now?” Kurt laughed more. “Yeah, I know. I just didn’t put two and two together.” I said. “Almost there guys!” Renee shouted back. “Okay thanks!” Paige replied and got up. I looked at Kurt, I swear for half a second he had a look of disappointment on his face when Paige got up but it disappeared in an instant. I stood up too went back to the bunks to grab my small green and blue over the shoulder purse. Paige followed me back and closed the door behind herself. “Sorry about last night.” She said. “It’s no biggie. Are you okay though?” I crinkled my forehead. I don’t usually see her upset nonetheless on stage. “Yeah I was just thinking about him again.” She said and picked up her coach purse with buttons on it. By him it wasn’t hard to tell she meant who we wrote the song about. “Come on, let’s head out now.” Paige said. “Okay.” I picked up my bright blue leather jacket and walked through the lounge. “Are you guys ready?” I said as I passed the boys. Kurt stood up and took a few steps forward like he was going to leave. I looked at him and laughed. “What?” he raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re going to go out in your boxers and socks?” I giggled. Kurt looked at his body and shook his head, embarrassed. “Oh shit I guess not.” He laughed and ran back to the bunks. “I’ll meet you guys out there in a minute since Talia said that I need to wear real clothes.” “Okay see ya.” Paige skipped down the stairs and out of the bus. I followed with Zander close on my tail. I hopped off the last step and ran up to meet Paige. She walks so god damn fast. Zander grabbed my arm and pulled me back, “Okay so I know how awkward last night was for you and I wanted to apologize.” He said quietly. “I don’t hear an apology.” I pulled my arm back and squinted. I don’t actually care if I get an apology but it’s an extra minute of talking to Zander. “How about this,” Zander ran his long fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, “what if after this tour…” he stared at the ground and smiled. “Oh look here comes Kurt.” I lied through my teeth to get him to hurry up. Zander looked down at me and half smiled, “Do you want to have dinner with me?” My jaw dropped slightly which made Zander smile smugly. I closed my mouth and narrowed my eyes, “I’ll think about it.” I smiled slyly and walked away. 

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