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Star's POV


Today I'm picking Tim, Isaac and Max up

They are going to move in whit me

And I just fixed my new house it's so cozy everyone have their own room

Isaac's is white with a navy blue wall

A big queen size bed

Navy blue bedding

A walk in closet

A white computer table and a white soft chair

(Their will be pictures of their rooms in the next chapters)

Mine is Silver and white

A king sized bed

I have all white walls

a fluffy white carpet

Some blue bedding as a mix with the white

Some silver tree branches on the the wall

A walk in closet

And a make up table and a soft silver chair

Max's room is silver and gold

He's got a queen sized bed

A golden drapery behind the bed

A computer table and a walk in closet

Tim's room is black and silver

He have a queen sized bed

A black and silver wallpaper

A nice closet


A computer table

Just a description chapter


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