chapter 8: A lullaby of pain

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*Tuesday* 6:43am

Gumball and Lexy were waiting for Eric to come pick them up for school as usual. Gumball was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it and worn blue jeans. Lexy was wearing her usual black T-shirts with short blue skirt. they heard Eric pull up to the house and honk the train horn. They went outside and got in the back seat. Gumball sat next to Carrie who was wearing a black and T-shirt and skirt, Lexy sat on the very right of the back seat, and Jamie was riding shotgun as usual. Jamie was wearing a black T-shirt and tight blue Jean short shorts.

Eric was wearing his "GET SOME!" Shirt, camouflage pants, work boots, and of course his mask. It seemed like a normal day but Gumball noticed Eric looked pretty pissed off.

"You OK dude?" Gumball said to Eric.

"I'm fine." Eric said still looking pissed.

"Your not fine. What's wrong?" Jamie said to Eric with concern in her voice.

"Nothing I'm fine." Eric said forcing a smile. He then kissed her and drove off.

Jamie didn't say anything she just watched him with concern as was everyone else. Eric drove and was almost to the school when he had to stop for a stop light making him mumble under his breath. He noticed a man in a car next to him looking at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT? DO YOU WANT ME TO COME OVER THERE, RIP OUT ONE OF YOUR RIBS AND STAB YOU TO DEATH WITH IT?" Eric yelled making the man look away quickly and startling everyone in the truck.

"Damn dude calm down." Gumball said concerned.

"I am calm. Perfectly calm. Can't you see how calm I am?" Eric said gritting his teeth and struggling to act calm.

It was quite evident that he was very angry but everyone decided not to say anything. They soon arrived at the school and meet blast at the front doors.

"What's up guys?" Blast said smiling to the group.

"Nothing much." They all said except for Eric who was spaced out and seemed to be in his own world.

"You OK?" Blast said to Eric.

"Oh Uh... yeah I'm fine." Eric said trying to act happy. Blast saw he was trying to hid his feelings but like everyone else decided not to say anything.

"I brought my motorcycle today." Blast said to Gumball.

"Sweet. You can follow us after school and hang out with us at my house." Gumball said.

"Sounds like a plan." Blast said.

The school day was pretty normal except for Eric getting progressively angrier as the day went on but he somehow managed to keep a lid on it.

*after school*

Gumball, Carrie, Eric, Jamie, Blast, and Lexy were standing on the sidewalk after the bell to leave rang.

"Alright so I'll just follow you guys to Gumball's house." Blast said as he went to get his motorcycle.

Eric and the rest of them got in his truck and waited for Blast. Soon Blast pulled in behind Eric riding a black harley davidson that looked totally bad ass. Eric pulled out and headed to Gumball's house with Blast following.

Eric was gripping the steering wheel tightly and looked like he was going to explode.

"You sure you're OK?" Gumball said concerned.

"I'm fine I just need music." Eric said as he turned on the CD player.

a metal song played loudly. It was half way through the song and it could not have been a worse time for this particular part.

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