Chapter 28

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We withdrew to a large artificial habitat and space port near the gate through which we had come. Bright Fortune's force remained behind at the inner habitable world, no doubt puzzled by our actions. Most Noble, blocked our only other exit with a large reserve force at the other gate. When the fleet commanders met for their strategy meeting, the mood was somewhat despondent.

An astrogator had approached Dexter claiming he had detected a nearby star linked to the network of the outer worlds. Dexter brought him to the meeting, but on further questioning, we learned that the star was at least twelve light-years away. This would require two years of non-stop flight for even our fastest cruisers. That is assuming they could make the journey. In reality, it would take much longer.

"Any other ideas?" Smith asked.

No one had anything to say.

The next day, more information had come in from questioning the traders trapped on the space port. While our crews roamed about the port looking for anything useful, the commanders puzzled over updated maps with the new data.

"Between us and the Cacks, System A is pretty well trashed," I began. "System B, however, has been largely untouched and contains a third gate. We know the gate behind us leads to the Cack home world, and we've learned the gate Most Noble is guarding leads to the administrative and economic center of the Moiarchy. The third gate, however, is a smaller gate and leads to Overbearing's district by way of an area called The Swords. Overbearing's district is located among the outer worlds, from which we can get to pretty much any point in Solarian space we wish."

This brought some pleased murmurings from the other commanders. I gestured to Brian Harlow's avatar. "My XO has been questioning the local traders about the area called The Swords and I've asked him to brief us.

Brian rose. "Commanders, after questioning every ship's commander and crewman I could find who has had any dealings with The Swords I learned only a few things about them. Their name, which translates as The Swords refers both to the people as well as their region of space. It is comprised of, possibly, twenty or thirty worlds in a loose coalition of sometimes warring planets. Technologically speaking they seem to be a little behind Solarian development but they have, if anything, a greater reputation for violence and warlike behavior. They are not considered a part of the Cack Moiarchy and I was told that when a Cack ruler once sent in twelve thousand ships to subdue them none ever came back. Despite all this, they will occasionally make a truce with the local district manager and allow trade between some of their worlds and the local Cack worlds.

"I'm afraid I wasn't able to learn any more about them. They seem to be a very individualist, secretive and even xenophobic race. Any questions...that I can answer?"

The commanders sat frowning silently, digesting Brian's report. Finally, Smith spoke up. "Thank you for that report. I don't suppose they currently have a truce with the local district manager."

"No, sir. At least they haven't been spotted in Cack space for a while."

"Very good. That will be all." Brian logged out and I turned to the others. "I'm not sure what options that leaves us. The Swords sound, if anything, more hostile than the Cacks."

"We don't know that," Abrams said. "They are hostile to the Cacks, but they may not be to us. You know the old saying about the enemy of my enemy..."

I wanted to ask him if he knew what the word "xenophobic" meant, but I held my tongue. We were all more than a little irritable from sleep deprivation and stress.

"Going deeper back into Cack space isn't really an option either," Smith said. "There may be other routes back to the outer worlds, but we have no idea where they are or how far we'd have to go."

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