Nothing like the Rest

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"You don't understand," she laughs bitterly. "it's a part of my curse, to live my immortal life on this island. Only to fall in love with every single person who washes up here. Only to have my heart broken time and time again."

calypso/percy jackson and the olympians au

a/n: This is also on my Wattpad: juiceboxjergi


Lauren's eyes crack open to a ray of sun shining directly on her face. Squinting her eyes, she brings a hand up to shield the sun from her face. Blinking rapidly, the green-eyed girl scans the mysterious setting around her. Judging from the mile of ocean in the far distance and the sand beneath her body, she assumes that she's landed on an island. Her eyes land on the black backpack lying next to her. Stretching her arm out as far as it can go, she grabs hold of one of the straps and pulls the back towards her. Luckily, all of her belongings were still there. Her knife, maps, ambrosia, and nectar are all in place.

Her whole body aches as she attempts to stand up. She lets out a yelp of pain the second she applies pressure to her right leg. A sharp pain shoots through her entire right side. Groaning, Lauren rolls her shoulders back, wincing as she tries to regain feeling in them.

"What are you doing here?" a soft voice calls out to her left. Lauren turns her head to look at the speaker. What she doesn't expect to see is a young girl, no older than her, wearing a greek-style dress with her smooth, chestnut hair in neat braid resting on her shoulder. She would be lying if she said that the girl wasn't absolutely captivating. The mystery girl raises her eyebrows, still waiting on an answer from the older girl.

"I-I'm not sure to be honest with you," Lauren stutters out. It never really dawned on her that she couldn't remember anything about how she arrived on the mysterious island.

The shorter girl steps toward, as if she was fearful of Lauren. She stops in her tracks only about a few feet in front of her. "You shouldn't be here." she mutters, carefully inspecting the older girl. This is the first time a girl has ever appeared on her island. Of course she's going to be more curious on why it isn't a man like it usually is.

"Look, I'm sorry for invading, but I really have no idea how I even got here," Lauren brushes off the sand clinging to her clothes. "I'd be happy to be on my way if you show me how to get off. I need to get back to my friends and know that they're okay." Thoughts of her closest friends back at Camp Half-Blood, Dinah, Ally, and Normani, flood her mind. Oh my gods, do they know I'm gone?

The girl dressed in white swallows. "You can't." she looks down at her bare feet, refusing to meet the other girl's eyes. She's afraid of witnessing her reaction.

Lauren freezes. "Wait, what do you mean "'I can't?' There has to be some way I can get out of here." She lets out a nervous chuckle and runs her fingers though her jet black hair, something she does whenever she's nervous.

"I mean that you can't leave." the girl forces out, squeezing her eyes shut. She should feel happy. She would finally have some company on the lonely island. She wouldn't fall in love with this one, so she would stay with her on the island forever. Although there should be joy and happiness bubbling up inside her, she can't help but feel sympathy towards the older woman since she would be stuck here for the rest of her life.

"What the fuck does that supposed to mean?" Lauren growls, her energy building back up.

"Please don't-" the young nymph sighs, starting over her sentence. "Look, maybe you will, but right now, there's no getting off of this island so just please accept that." She only tells this to the now furious girl that so she won't be as angry at her, although she knows for sure that she wouldn't be getting off. Ever.

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