Chapter 1

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I feel so stupid even considering this. I mean, who writes letters just to write them and not to send? That's just insane. To my misfortune, I see no other way. It doesn't matter that I've known him for 13 years, that we are best friends, I still don't feel like I can express the depths of my heart to him. It's not that I don't trust Zayn, I'm just scared that I might lose him once he sees how crazy I really am. So here it goes, the first part of my confession.

Dear Zayn,

How have you been doing? Wow, I guess that is a stupid thing to write when I don't expect you to ever respond. But it has become the new hello, hasn't it? Nobody really cares how a person is doing, it's just a formality now. But I do. I really care about you. And it has been like this since the beginning. Since we started talking, walking together at school. Remember all the times we argued with our teachers and our friends, because they all thought we were dating? What a silly thing to argue about.

You know what? I really miss those times. Obviously, school in general was a complete hell. But I would go through it all given the chance. It would be an opportunity to see you daily again. It's been so hard on me since we chose to go seperate ways. How long can a person go without a best friend before breaking down? I don't know if it has affected you this way, but many nights I cry myself to sleep. It's so hard to go through the day, thinking about you all the time and not hearing your voice and your laugh, not even for a short moment. I miss your laugh. I know I've never said it to you, but you're honestly the funniest person I've ever met. There aren't many people who could make me laugh to tears and you always did.

It's all those little things that make you so special to me. The way you always treated me right, showed me that you appreciated having me as a friend. Now that you're basically gone from my life ( exept from skype chatting) I don't feel worth anything.I really miss you so bad. Please come back.

Love you,


So here it is, my first letter ever written to him. The perfect boy I met so many years ago and never had the courage to tell him about my feelings. And I still don't have it. Sometimes I wonder how pathetic I seem to people who are in my life. Never talking to anyone, only small talking to those I once called my true friends. Now that Zayn is gone I don't see the point in looking for a true best friend. I know I'll never meet a person as perfect as he is. And yet I refuse to tell him all of it..


Thank you very much to those of you who are reading it! I will start writing longer chapters once I get more readers. I really appreciate each and every one of you dedicating your time to read this. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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