Chapter 1

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Years have past since the boys made their little promise, but that promise didn't last very long. As they grew older, they started to separate from each other. They went from best friends to now acquaintances.

Right now, Seth was getting ready for his first day as a senior. He wasn't exactly excited to go since he knew he would just get ignored and have a terrible day, but he needed the education and it was his last year of high school. He smiled a bit to himself as he thought about finally finishing school and not having to deal with those idiots anymore. If you can't already tell, Seth hated school. It was basically hell for him. Everyone either hated him or didn't even know he existed. Everyone except for his friend Paige. As he was getting ready, he got a text message from none other than the black and blue haired girl herself.

Paige- Wake up lazy bones! It's the first day of our senior year!!! X)

Seth chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes, typical Paige. He grabbed his phone and texted her back.

Seth- I think you mean the last year of hell

Seth set his phone down before grabbing his comb and brushing through his soft, two-toned locks. Bleaching half of his hair was just supposed to be a dare in middle school, but it ended up becoming part of his so called 'fashion statement.' Funny how things turn out to be. After brushing his hair, Seth put on his pre-planned outfit. And by pre-planned, he meant whatever was clean and available. An A Day To Remember tee, tight but not too tight jeans, and converse is what Seth decided on wearing. Not too bad, if he did say so himself. When he grabbed his phone, he saw that Paige had responded back.

Paige- How optimistic

Seth rolled his eyes and chuckled softly as he responded back.

Seth- I absolutely love your sarcasm -_-

After Seth replied to his friend, he grabbed his earbuds and backpack before leaving his room and down stairs. He looked at the time and smiled a bit, he had enough time to go get breakfast at the Young Volcanos Café, his safe place. He put on his earbuds as he headed out the door. As he walked to the café, he looked through his playlist of many songs before finally deciding on one.


Seth had arrived at the Young Volcanos Café a couple minutes later. He was grateful that he didn't live far away from here and that the school was nearby. He smiled as he walked up to the counter and saw the owner of the café, Pete. The tattooed man with bleach blonde tips looked up and smiled back at the boy.

"Hey Seth!" Pete greeted cheerfully. "Getting the usual today?" Seth nooded and smiled.

"Yes please." Pete nodded before getting started on Seth's usual, which was a Cheese Danish and a Mocha Latté.

"So school starts today, huh?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, sadly," Seth sighed and nodded. "I can't wait to finally get away from those idiots once the year's done."

"I'm sure the year will go by fast, it did for me," Pete told him before hand him his breakfast. Seth nodded and got out his wallet.

"How much do I owe you?"

"It's on the house kid." Seth looked at him suprised. "Are you sure? I'm positive I have enough money."

"Of course man, save your money for more band tees," Pete chuckled, causing Seth to chuckle as well.

"Thanks, Pete," Seth smiled as he grabbed his stuff. "I'd love to stay and talk more, but I'm gonna get going now." Pete nodded and wished him luck as the boy walked out of the café. As he drank his latté and was on his way to school, he put his earbuds back on and once again played his music before putting his phone in his pocket.

"I can feel your bad vibrations
All around me
All consuming
Corrupting all that I am
This pain is a sickness looming over me, and I can't escape it
Casting shadows that continue to shape who I am on any given day-"

Before he could have time to think, Seth got hit by something hard, causing him to lose his balance and drop the once good breakfast he had in his hand. All the teen could do was look at the now spilled latté and ruined Cheese Danish, which he didn't even take a bite of.

'Great,' He thought to himself. 'Now I'll starve myself to death, how perfect.'

Seth's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps and someone saying 'oh shit'. Oh shit, indeed. He turned around and saw a panicked look on a person's face. But it wasn't just any person, it was Seth's old friend, or acquaintance, Roman Reigns. The guy Seth grew apart from.

"I'm so sorry man, I wasn't looking and-" Reigns stopped mid-sentence once he saw who he hit and was now apologizing to. "Seth? Is that you?" Seth couldn't respond to Roman. All he could do was look at the guy who was once his best friend years ago, how he's changed and grown. After a couple seconds of staring at the Samoan man, Seth snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, it's me," He said mumbled quickly before turning around and running away as fast as he can to get out of there. Before he could get any further, Roman caught up with him.

"Seth, wait! Let me make up for your breakfast!" He managed to get in Seth's way, making sure he wouldn't get away from him.

"It's fine, Roman, just let me be on my way," Seth told him in an annoyed tone, managing to get past Roman and run away from him. He didn't even look to see if Roman was going after him because he knew he wasn't. He would've heard footsteps behind him.


"Goddamit," Seth said to himself as he was panting heavily. He ran almost two miles just to get to school and get away from Reigns. He still couldn't believe it though. After all these years, Roman finally acknowledged Seth's existence. He didn't know whether to be happy about it or pissed off. I mean don't get him wrong, he was happy his old friend talked to him. But then again, did he forget all about Seth? What took him so long? Whatever it was, it was in the past and doesn't matter anymore.

'It was just a coincidence,' Seth thought as sat at a bench infront of the school. 'It'll never happen again.'

This book still exists? Yes, it does. I have decided not to delete this book and to go on with it because I've got big plans for it. If anybody has been waiting for me to update this book, I apologize and will stop taking so long to update. Well that's all other than a like and comment would be much appreciated and I hope you enjoy Hold On Till May.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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