She's home.

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"She's home", Chaol whispered. She? Who on earth was he talking about, and who put all these viscous looking weapons on the table? He wondered to himself. He looked at Chaol for explanation and saw that he was staring towards the master bedroom with a look of happiness, relief, and longing, all mixed together. Ren looked at Nesryn, she looked back at Ren shaking her head. She was just as confused as him. The weapons on the table looked expensive and of good make. This woman has good taste, he thought to himself. He would never admit it, but he might have been a little envious. Chaol started for the master bedroom, Nesryn and Ren followed closely behind. Chaol slowly opened the door, and they silently crept in. There, under a mound of blankets, a head of beautiful, shiney, golden hair poked out.
"Is that..." Nesryn whispered,
"Yes.", Chaol breathed, cutting her off.
Ren and Nesryn gasped. And the woman stirred. Only then did he notice the clothes trailing from the door to the bathing room.
"She must be tired." He whispered, "let her sleep."
The others agreed, and they quietly left leaving only the tick of the door in their wake.


She couldn't believe it. Their queen had finally returned. After all this waiting she was finally going to meet her. Those weapons, her queen was a warrior, a fighter. Nesryn could not wait for her to wake up. As if seeing that thought, Chaol came over and whispered, "Let her sleep, if you wake her up, her first impression of you will not be good. Trust me." She believed him, all that was difficult was finding something to do while she waited. Nesryn decided she would stand guard. She would make sure nothing happened to her queen.

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