Chapter 7

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"Im so sorry Ms. Parks I forgot to lock the front door!" Luke panicked.

"Luke I told you already it's not your fault. Im the one who forgot to lock the front door." My mom responded annoyed a little.

"Ok fine but I could have swore it was me."

"Oh by the way it's nice to finally nice to meet my daughter's boyfriend." My mom said.

"He isn't my boyfriend." I mumbled. I mean he isn't right? I can't really remember, my brain is a little fuzzy still.

"She is awake! Go get the doctor!" my mom yelled.

"Don't yell mom it hurts my head." I said through clenched teeth. I heard footsteps running so I assumed it was Luke going to get the doctor.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps coming back in the room.

"Nice to see you finally up Miss. Parks." The doctor greeted me. I tried to sit up but pain shot through my whole shoulder.

"Shit!" I screamed, "What the heck!"

"Miss. Parks it seems that you don't remember the events that happened a few days ago," the doctor started, "you were shot in the shoulder."

"Shot in the shoulder? A few days ago?" I was confused. Oh wait I remember a little bit of what happened. That guy was in my house, the guy who mugged me. How did he even know where I lived? Did he follow me home from school? I have so many questions to ask, but they won't know the answers. My mom didn't even know that I got mugged and it's going to stay that way. She has too much going on with work.

"Yes, do you remember any of those events?" the doctor asked.

"Actually yeah I do. That guy was in my house and I ran up stairs. I yelled at him and that's all I remember. After that it's black." Then a thought accrued to me.....Lilly! Where is she? Does my mom know about her? Is she safe?! Im going to have to ask Luke when my mom and doctor leave.

"That's all right; you seem to remember perfectly what happened. Im just going to run some test real fast and then I will come check up on you later. Ok?" he asked.

"Yes that's fine," My mom responded for me, " I'm going to go get some coffee. Be good while im gone you two." She said while pointing at me and Luke.

"I have to ask you something." Luke said

"Ok, but im still a little fuzzy so take it easy." I joked.

"Do you not remember that we are boyfriend girlfriend? Or do you not want to be?" Luke asked shyly.

"Oh crap im so sorry I totally forgot! Im sorry!" I felt so bad! We are going out! I layed back down on the hospital bed and put my hands on my forehead.

"No it's ok; you kind of blacked out and didn't remember how u got shot. So I only asked because you said we weren't." Luke said.

I then remembered something I wanted to ask him. I shot up, regretting it after I did it.

"Shit! My shoulder!" I yelled in pain. Luke chuckled and came over by me.

"You have got to stop doing that." He chuckled.

"I've got to ask you something." I said

"And what is that?" Luke asked

"Where's Lilly? Did my mom find out? Is she ok?" I said quickly breathing heavy.

"Lilly is at my place remember, and no your mom hasn't found out, and yes she is ok." Luke answered my questions.

"Ok good. When do I get out of here? I hate hospitals." I asked

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