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Gerard's P.O.V

The more steps I took, the more I felt like an asshole.

I just called the woman who saved our child's life a "good fuck" and said "I hate you" to her.

Not only am I feeling like an asshole, I am one.

I'm really craving a cigarette but that would make me look like a hypocrite.

I just told Daisy that she is a bad parent when she's not. She's recovering from being in a car crash. And here I am. Wanting a fag before looking for my injured daughter.

"Nice one, Gerard." I say lowly under my breathe to myself.

I go to the nurse's station and see a couple nurses on computers. I clear my throat to see if I can get their attention.

A brunette nurse looks up and smiles at me.

"Can I help you?"

I smile small back. "I'm looking for my daughter. Bandit Lee Way?"

The nurse nods and searched through her computer before her face fell.

"I'm sorry, sir. Miss Way has already been checked out by her mother."

I immediately panic.

Who has my daughter? Daisy didn't check her out. What if she's hurt? What if she's scared? She must be so scared! My baby.

"Wh-What?! No! Her mother is in here as well, Daisy Mae Iero!"

The nurse seems slightly paniced by this information.

"Well, it says here that woman who checked her out was a Ms. Lindsay Way."

Way!? Excuse me!? We are not married, thank you very much.

I had to shut up my inner sassiness and be serious.

"Oh okay. Thank you! I must have forgot I asked her to pick her up!" I pretend to be calm but I'm actually seething with anger.

The nurse chuckled softly and smiled. "No problem, sir. Have a good night."

I thank her and go back to Daisy's room.

This is going to be awkward.

so long and goodnight // g.w.Where stories live. Discover now