Good Morning

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Who the heck would be here it's after midnight.

"Open up princess. I know your in there"

Dang it Bellamy why do you always have to show up when I'm trying to relax

"I'm coming" I replied
"Bell what do you want?"
"To hang out with my best friend"

He has got to be kidding me right now

"Really! It's 12:45am! You couldn't wait until later?" I ask in a very annoyed and sarcastic tone
"Really. And no, no I could not wait" he replies mimicking my tone
"Okay, whatever. Come in but don't touch the remote I'm watching a movie."
"Whatever you say princess"

I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen for a snack and something to drink

"Hey Bell, do you want anything form in here?"
"Yeah, do you have popcorn and or coke-a-cola"
"Well duh"
I could hear laughing form here and I couldn't help but smile, I really do love his laugh. So I put the popcorn in the microwave and waited, when it was done I put it in a bowl, poured two glasses of coke and went back to my living room. Giving Bell his soda and putting the popcorn on the table. Then hit play on the movie.


Who the heck is banging on the door. I open my eyes to see that I'm laying on Clarke's couch, with her curled up next to me. The picture I see before me makes me smile. We must have fallen asleep while watching the movie last night.


"Come on Clarke open up. You promised that today would be girls day, so get off your butt answer your door."

I looked down at Clarke seeing that she is still fast asleep I get up to answer the door to avoid waking the
princess up. She is so cute when she's, stop it Bellamy. So I answer the door

"Octavia? Why are you here so early, it is seriously 5:30 in the morning?!"
"Bellamy Blake, I could ask you the same question."O answered in her usual sarcastic tone
"O that is none of your business."

O just rolled her eyes and pushed past me into Clarke's apartment and of course she went straight for the couch where Clarke was sleeping.

"Bell, why is Clarke sleeping on the couch? She hates sleeping on the couch."
"We fell asleep watching a movie last night, not that it's any of your business"
"Yes, yes it is she is my best friend... Wait... are you and Clarke?"
"YES, I ship it... Clamey, no... Bellarke, yes, Bellarke"
"O! You need to stop! You'll wake Clarke up."
"Oh well, that was my goal when I came over anyway"

Someone is trying to wake me up and I'm doing my best to ignore them but it's no use. So I just give up and open my eyes

"Good, your up"
"O! What are you doing here? What time is it? The sun isn't even up yet!"
"One, it's girls day. Two, it's 5:35. Three, your right the the sun isn't up yet."
"What do you mean it's 5:35! I said we would start our girls day at 10:00, that is like four and half hours away!"
"I know, I wanted to get an early start on the day"
"Uhh! Whatever O I'm going back to sleep come back later."
"Fine, I'll be back at 10. Love ya, bye"
"Bye O"

I lay back down on the couch and about five minutes later I fell asleep. The last thing I felt before I dosed off was Bellamy laying down next to me.

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