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"WHY YOU LITTLE...!!" Screamed outraged Itsuki, the adoptive father of Hana. Hana squeaked as she curled into a tight ball. Her father clambered over to her, clearly drunk. Sadly, that was normal.

Kobayashi Hana was a tall sixteen year old, almost 5'7 with orange wavy hair that went down past her waist. She had freckles on her cheeks and nose, she was blind in one eye due to an incident involving a clay mug when she was ten, and she always wore baggy clothes over her slender frame.

She was adopted at the age of six from a small orphanage in Galway, Ireland by a bad-tempered man named Kobayashi Itsuki, who had been abusive and neglectful ever since.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry!" She began to squeak with her slight Irish accent, as Itsuki picked her up by her hair.

"YOU'VE DONE IT THIS TIME, HANA!!!" He yelled as he threw her onto the carpeted floor of their living room, which had a large window always covered with shutters, so no one could witness the horrors within.

"I'm s-s-sorry!!" She said a little louder. He lifted her so his eyes met hers. "DONT GIVE MY THAT 'I'M SORRY' ACT!!!" He shouted at her, as his rancid breath slapped her in the face.

Hana winced.

With that, Itsuki got so angry, he turned her around and kicked her in the back so hard that she went flying through the window. She screamed in pain and fear as glass shattered around her. She landed painfully on the pavement in front of her Tokyo apartment.

There were two people walking down the sidewalk in front of her. One was a beautiful woman with short blonde hair who screamed as she saw Hana, covered in blood and bruises. The other was a handsome man with long, ashen brown hair and a polka dot sweater in her favorite shade of blue. He gasped and ran over to help her.

Hana could hear her fathers rants about the window she had just broken and how she was going to pay for it.

With the last bit of her strength she could muster, Hana reached out to the people who were rushing to her aid and pleaded in a terrified whisper, "H-help m-m-me..."

She uttered those words as her vision blurred and darkness overcame her.

Smile! (Brothers Conflict Fanfic) ~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now