How Many Brothers?!

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Hana was discharged from the hospital the next night. Mewa had a fashion show to attend, so she trusted Masaomi to get her home safely. As he entered her room he heard the most beautiful song ever to touch his heart, even though he didn't know what she was saying, because it was in galic, the sad lullaby was heart wrenching.

Is mise lem chridhe fo na reultan,
'S mo smaointean gur trom gach tràth,
'N till d' athair a-ris bhon bhlàr.

"Wow, you're great!" Masaomi exclaimed. This scared Hana out of her wits. She turned around and sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just you Dr. Asahina."

"Please, call me Masaomi. We are siblings now." He said and gave her a purple lollipop. "Oh, o-okay. Thank you."  She said as she took the candy and stuck it in her mouth.

"Shall we get home then?"  Masaomi asked as he opened the door for Hana, who nodded and walked out of the room.

The first ten minutes of the car ride she was tightly squeezing a rather tattered looking old stuffed fox to her chest as she gazed, wonder struck, out the window. Intent on seeing everything.

Masaomi occasionally glanced at at her with a bitter-sweet smile. "You have a sister now." He said, breaking Hana's spell. "I-I do?" She asked hopefully, Masaomi nodded. "Yes and some brothers as well."  Hana turned her head and asked, "Other than you and Louise-san?" Masaomi nodded again.This slightly frightened her, "H-How many?" She asked shakily. "Oh, about 13. Including me and Louise."He replied calmly glancing over to see her reaction.

"O-o-o-okay" Hana squeaked, clearly terrified. She clutched the poor fox to her chest even tighter with her right hand,  because her left was in a sling. She had sprained it when landing.

'What if they don't like me?' She thought 'What if I mess up?' She bit her lip, 'What if they hit me?!'

Masaomi, sensed her fear and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will treat you with kindness. If they don't Ukyo will make sure that they don't get away with it." He said as he chuckled, causing Hana to let out a quiet giggle.

After about a minute more of staring out the window, Masaomi finally pulled into the parking lot of a large condo.
"Th-that's w-where you l-l-live?!" She stuttered, staring at the huge building called Sunrise Residence.

"No." He replied, confusing Hana. "That's where we live. Let's go inside, it's dark out here." Hana nodded and tried to put on a brave face as she followed Masaomi inside.

Smile! (Brothers Conflict Fanfic) ~Complete~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu