Chapter 1-The Moment My World Changed.

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"Hey you have to pay for that!" The angry shop owner yelled as he chased a small boy up the street I was on. As he brushed pass me with incredible force causing me to drop my bag of fresh apples.

Damn I was going to make apple pie. I thought as I began to pick them up.

"So sorry Miss!" The shop owner said as he began to help me pick up the apples.

"No, its fine."I said finally able to stand on my feet.

"These apples just won't do!" He said looking at them. "Here let me get you some new ones." He insisted.

"Oh no its fine, I can just wash them off"

"Oh but ma'lady we save the best apples for you, you father takes care of us and its best we save the bad apples for the scoundrels who find there way in to here"

I clenched my teeth. "Where all human." I mumbled.

"What was that miss?"

I let out an annoying sigh."Nothing" I said as I began walking away from the shop owner.

"Tell your father thank-you! For everything. He said as his voice became an echo in the back of my mind.

What makes living on a different side of the walls better than others. I thought all the way until I made it back to the castle.

I swinged the doors open and quickly walked to my main destination. The kitchen. The one place where I can relax and be alone. Away from hypocrites. Away from Father. Away from it all. Or so I thought.

I placed the bag of apples on the table and began laying out my ingredients.Once all layed out, i can now start baking. I smiled and clapped my hands together.

Always start with the apples first, right mom. I thought. Mother always told me to do this when baking. She said to get all the hard stuff out the way. Come to think if it, its been almost a whole month since she left for Wall Maria to do research. A whole month of wondering weather my mother was alive or dead.

"Gemedy!" A maid called from the hallway.

"Yes?" I answered.

"You father wants you all gathered in the main quarters"

"OK on my way" I said as I turned off the stove and left the kitchen.

"What does father want?"I heard my half brother say.

"Who knows, must be important since he drags us all the way down here." My step sister said flipping her red hair over her shoulders.

"Maybe he's getting married , again."

"A..again, I can't take anymore kids, especially one like her" she said looking at me before chuckling.

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Not worth it Gem. I thought.

"What nothing to say shocking, I bet your mom would say somthing" she said.

"You have no right to talk about her!" I shouted.

"Yeah Macey, no right to talk about the dead" my step brother said.

"Haha nice one Clay" Macey said giving him a hi five.

"Sh...shut up" I said running towards them.


Clay fell to the floor.But I didnt deliver that blow. I turned around to see a boy around my age. He had dusty brown hair and greenish-blue eyes.

Our eyes met and that was the moment, the moment my world changed.

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